Lea Black Takes Aim at Sarah Palin
Real Housewife of Miami gets political.

It's rare that worlds of politics and Real Housewives collide, but Real Housewives of Miami star Lea Black clashed them together this week with an opinion piece for the Huffington Post, where she detailed her personal reasons for becoming politically active, as well as her feelings regarding the treatment of President Barack Obama.
But in true Housewife style, Lea couldn't leave the piece without a bit of controversy, as well as a bit of advice for former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. "I have some friendly advice, from one reality star to another," wrote Black. "Save the 'domestic' drama for your reality show!"
Lea didn't stop there. Later, when being interviewed by E! Online, Black explained exactly why she feels the way she does. "Sarah Palin is the sideshow in the circus that everyone wants to watch, but that most people don't take seriously," she said. "The Republican Party has become a circus and she's the sideshow act that everyone likes to laugh at, not with." Tell us how you really feel!
"I think she makes for great entertainment, but I don't think she can be taken seriously for leading a country," Black said
What do you think? Is Lea making good use of her fame, or should she keep her politics under wraps? Start a Tweet Battle, pick a side, and make your case.