Kuniko Is Saved! Who's Up This Week?
Watch Last Chance Kitchen to see who's next up in Save a Chef.

Good news if you're a fan of the adorable-yet-dangerous Kuniko Yagi: She's been saved thanks to our new little Top Chef twist called Save a Chef!
Thanks to your votes, Kuniko lives to cook another day and has a chance at redemption in Last Chance Kitchen, but who will she be duking it out with this week in Save a Chef? First you'll have to watch Last Chance Kitchen to see who moves on there, and then you'll know who her SAC competition is. Will it be CJ Jacobsen, Tyler Wiard or Eliza Gavin moving on in LCK-land? We don't want to give it away, so why don't you just belly up to your computer desk and watch it by clicking here!