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The Daily Dish Kathy

Kathy Griffin Loves Lindsay Lohan's 'Liz'

The comedienne shame watches 'Liz & Dick' as LiLo tries a comeback.

By Mike Hess

Kathy Griffin loves herself nothing more than a good old-fashioned debacle -- and judging from reviews of Lindsay Lohan and her big TV movie comeback in Liz & Dick, it was time for some redhead-on-redhead love (or at least campy love/hate criticism) to go around.

"I guess I'm officially starting. Get f----- ready! 1st of all DEAD Liz & Dick narrate throughout a la "Our Town," Griffin tweeted just as the Lifetime movie began, and that was only the beginning of Kathy's salvo. Here's a sampling of her reactions (at least the ones we can publish) as she watched Lindsay channel Miss Taylor -- and be sure to tell us in the comments what you thought of Lilo's comeback film!


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