Yes, Kathryn Dennis' T-Shirt Really Does Say "Baby Mama"
The #SouthernCharm mom has a little fun with her maternity style.

There's not much time left before Kathryn Dennis gives birth to her son in December. And with only weeks to go before her daughter, Kensington, officially has a baby brother, the Southern Charm mom is having a little fun with her maternity style. Kathryn posted a snapshot of her and Kensi out and about — and we admit that we kind of love the mom's kitschy t-shirt. (Yes, it really does read "Baby Mama.")
By the way, we can't help but notice that the duo happened to be making a stop at the baby store, A Pea In the Pod. Back in September, Kathryn spoke to The Daily Dish about the types of items she had on her list as she prepares to welcome her second child with Thomas Ravenel later this year. "More or less, little novelty items," she explained, shortly after announcing her pregnancy. "Whenever I planned the first time I was so set on getting all the basics that I would read about. You sit on the computer for hours when you're pregnant and you research and you're like, 'I have to have X, Y, and Z.' And then you end up overlooking the cute little sterling silver bells that have special little things written on them." While baby clothes are cute, they aren't exactly practical. "You know [Kensington] grows out of clothes so quickly that's one thing I kind of wish I hadn't spent so much time searching for, thinking I was going to spend a lot money on," she explained. "Because really what comes in handy isn't clothes; she grows too quickly."
Below, check out some home photos from the Southern Charm crew.