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Road to Reunion: Southern Charm Southern Charm

Kathryn Calhoun Dennis Was Just As Confused by Last Season’s Reunion Outfit As You Were

"I don't know what I was thinking," said the #SouthernCharm mom.  

By Megan Segura
Kathryn and Landon Go Head to Head at the Reunion

Kathryn Calhoun Dennis is quick to own up to her mistakes when she knows she's in the wrong. Fans bore witness to this during Season 4 of Southern Charm when she apologized to Thomas Ravenel and admitted she unfairly took things out on Whitney Sudler-Smith. Now, Kathryn is owning up to another mishap: her outfit from the Season 3 reunion, which she describes as "confused."

How to Watch

Watch Southern Charm on Bravo Thursdays at 8/7c and next day on Peacock. Catch up on Bravo.

"I don't know what I was thinking," Kathryn told The Daily Dish Podcast. "It never came together. I was thinking I was going to be like a do-it-yourself [stylist]. I don’t even know the designer. I can't even come up with the words to describe how embarrassing it is to see that dress, that look, and then me at the same time like shouting at people and oh my God it’s so bad. I even get like a peace sign at one point and like stick my tongue out."

But rest assured, this season's reunion will not feature a repeat fashion faux pas. 

"It's a really gorgeous dress that I can't really describe but it looks real fancy. My dress is very beautiful and very Kathryn," she said. 

It also seems like it will be more than just her clothes that will be different this time around.

"I can laugh about it, because that's not who I actually am," she said of last season's reunion. "That was me under a lot of stress."

You can listen to the entire podcast interview here.

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