Bravo's Poll Results: Should You Date Your BFF?
The results of our national study explore whether the risks outweigh the rewards.
When it comes to love, is Mr. or Mrs. right in front of you? Bravo's new dating series, Friends to Lovers (premiering Monday January 12th at 10/9c), tries to answer this When Harry Met Sally conundrum. But what do you think? Bravo worked with Research Now to conduct a national study with over 1,000 people between the ages of 18-54 asking what they think about dating their BFFL and more.
So is moving from Friends to Lovers is worth the risk? Results prove that of the 76% who took the leap of faith to find love with their friend, 29% of those relationships resulted in marriage. But the risk might not have been worth it—only 51% got their buddy back if the relationship didn’t work out.
When it comes to men and women, who usually takes the couragous first step toward love? According to results:
• 76% of men are open to a romantic or a sexual relationship with someone they consider a friend (vs. 58% of women).
• 82% of both men and women believe the best relationships begin platonically, not romantically.
• 19% of people are very averse and rather date their first cousin than their best friend (this is consistent among men and women).
• Men are twice as likely as women to be attracted to someone who is just a platonic friend.
• 73% of men have had sexual fantasies about a friend (vs. 51% of women).
• 54% of all men admitted they’ve fallen in love with a friend without them ever knowing.
• 50% of all men regret never telling their friend about the romantic feelings they’ve had for them (vs. 30% of women).
• Some men think outside their sexual preference as 27% of straight men with a best friend of the same gender have wished they were gay so they could date.
Let's talk about sex, baby! Sure you might have friendship chemistry, but what happens when that gets tested between the sheets?
• 54% of men say they would hook up with a friend if they knew no strings were attached (vs. 22% of women)
• 60% of women think sex ruins a friendship (vs. 51% of men)
• 42% of women rather be celibate for the rest of their lives than have sex with their best friend (vs. 25% of men)
• 45% of people who have been in a “friends turned lovers” relationship found sex with their buddy to be more awkward
It's complicated. Findings also show the majority of people think that dating their best friend might result in no friends at all.
• 65% of adults have seen friendships destroyed by trying to date
• 60% of adults have seen full groups of friends fall apart because two friends-turned-lovers ended sourly
• 47% have had mutual friends become jealous when they found out about their two friend’s new-found relationship, and 38% thought it was a bad idea
But this worry isn't stopping those marriage back-up plans any time soon! According to the study, the majority of people would give their BFF a shot if they aren't married by a certain age. Better lock in your marriage pact now!
•62% of people would start dating a friend if they are not married by a specific age
• 57% of people would consider marrying their best friend if they are not married by a specific age
• 36% of adults confirmed they would have an agreement to marry a friend if neither has found a partner by a designated age
Do you agree with the results? Take our poll below and tell us what you think!
And don't forget to tune in to Friends to Lovers Monday January 12th at 10/9c!