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The Daily Dish Below Deck Mediterranean

Where Is the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 3 Crew Now?

The Talisman Maiton crew has some major life updates since the Season 3 finale and reunion.

By Laura Rosenfeld

João Franco seemed to have high hopes that he and Brooke Laughton would be able to stay together and work out their issues after this season's Below Deck Mediterranean reunion. "After this, I will, depending on how we are, we'll probably get on another boat together or look for something we want to do together and go as far as we can to make this work," João told The Daily Dish backstage right before filming the reunion, which you can check out in the clip, above. 

How to Watch

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But if you watched the Below Deck Med reunion Tuesday night, you know that João and Brooke's relationship didn't exactly seem to be in good shape following the bombshell that he may have continued to flirt with Kasey even after the season ended. In fact, João later confirmed to The Daily Dish that his relationship with Brooke is officially over. 

João told The Daily Dish in late August that his plan now is to move forward with his yachting career. In addition to traveling around New York and Europe, he has been taking some courses. He also said that he's been looking into working with animal sanctuaries and organizations in Zimbabwe and Zambia. As for whether or not he's started dating again, João said that he's "very single but definitely not available."

The other members of the Talisman Maiton crew similarly have some major life updates since this season of Below Deck Med ended. Press play on the above video to find out who's still in yachting, who just got into the fashion game, and who's "basically the modern-day Johnny Appleseed."

Watch the Below Deck Med crew reflect more on the season, below.

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