Shep Rose’s Latest Southern Charm-Themed T-Shirt Design May Be His Best Yet
Does Patricia Altschul approve of the latest ShepGear by Shep Rose design?

Shep Rose immortalized another iconic Southern Charm moment on his newest T-shirt. The newly-made-over bachelor just rolled out a new item in his ShepGear by Shep Rose line of merchandise, which includes funny slogans based on his Charleston crew, like a "Craig Is My Lawyer" tee inspired by Craig Conover. This new light-blue shirt is inspired by everyone's favorite butler, Michael, and his afternoon ritual of pouring a cocktail for caftan maven Patricia Altschul. The T-shirt is available online at the ShepGear site for $30.
Shep gave The Daily Dish a preview of this T-shirt idea back in May in an interview. He told us all about his plans, saying: "The next idea, maybe, is a Michael [the butler] inspired t-shirt. Wouldn't that be funny? Just like maybe the back of his head, with a martini glass and a tray, [saying] 'It's time for your medicine,' or something. Would you buy that?"
Shep's pal Cameran Eubanks would definitely buy it. She calls it "Shep’s latest stroke of genius" in this Instagram:
Here's Shep and Patricia Altschul with the man on the hour himself.
A portion of the proceeds go to a cause that's close to Patricia's heart — she is a dog owner, after all. "Part of the proceeds of this tee shirt sale will benefit the Charleston Animal Society helping dogs and cats in need," Shep explained.