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The Daily Dish Health

This Blender Completely Changed My Morning Routine

Making smoothies doesn't get any easier than this.

By Jessie Sardina

When it comes to smoothies, the expectation-versus-reality struggle is REAL. 

Expectation: I wake up to soft sunlight and birds chirping before sashaying into my gleaming kitchen, where I carefully concoct a perfectly nutritious (and Instagrammable) smoothie.

Reality: I jolt up to the sound of my blaring alarm clock with 30 minutes to groom and feed myself, so I pad to the kitchen, zipping past my neglected blender straight toward the leftover cookies.  

Real talk: I’ve always wanted to be a person who starts their day with a smoothie. I have entire Pinterest boards and sections of my freezer dedicated to the fantasy. But somehow, no matter how much I prep and pep talk myself, when the morning rush gets real, I can’t do it. From the heap of dishes the whole ordeal creates to the simple fact that by the time I get to work, it’s a lukewarm mess, smoothie making just doesn’t seem worth it. 

So when the chance to test out a new blender presented itself, I was — to say the least — skeptical. What were the real chances this fancy appliance was actually going to make my dreams of green smoothie-sipping mornings a reality? 

The next day started like many — with an expletive at the sight of the time and a rush to the kitchen to gobble down something before the morning hanger set in. Cautiously optimistic about my new Arctic Chill blender, I filled the tumbler the night before with frozen berries, a handful of spinach and some almond milk. What happened next was morning-changing: I popped it on the base, pushed the button to blend, swapped the blending top for it’s travel lid and I was out the door. When I got to work and cautiously took a swig, my smoothie was not only still icy cold; it was perfectly blended and deliciously creamy. No complicated blend settings to navigate pre-coffee. No dishes left in my sink to elicit eye-roll emojis from my work-from-home boyfriend. And no melty mess of a drink by the time I got to work. 

Had my smoothie dreams come true? I think so. 

What makes the Arctic Chill Blender such a game changer in the kitchen is its simplicity. For someone like me who shudders at the thought of blade attachments and rows of buttons, this sleek appliance is a dream. The blender carafe does double duty as a double-wall stainless steel tumbler that can keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot for up to 24 hours. To blend, screw on the blade top; to go, the travel lid. And with just one button on its sophisticated stainless steel base (did I mention how good this blender looks on my counter?), it’s so simple to whip up a juice-bar quality smoothie in just seconds. And I haven’t even mentioned the wonders it works on margaritas. 

The best part, this bad boy costs $29.99. Hello, that’s less than I paid for the year-old bag of Acai berries I have in my freezer from smoothie dreams past! Trust and believe when I say that if this blender doesn’t change your life, it will certainly change your morning. Happy blending! 

Dash Arctic Chill Blender


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