Ryan: This is ALL Business
Ryan's truthful reaction to working with Luis...

I love SoHo, so much, so stylish and exclusive - it's become my home in every way - this is where I work, this is where I live, this place represents me. I went into my listing meeting with an open mind, I knew my seller had lived in this home for many years.
To discover a Townhouse, a real home, in this neighborhood, took my breath away. In that location, a property like this is so unique, there just has to be a buyer. As usual, my seller wanted top dollar: that's why they call me. And also as usual, I had to manage expectations. Sometimes a seller has an emotional attachment to a property, that's unrealistic when it translates into reasonable pricing.
Whenever possible I like to tell my probable clients the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I could see the determination in my clients' eyes - he was looking for a sweet 8 figure pay-day. Yes, it's a unique space for the neighborhood, but you can't forget that it's only a 2 bedroom home sandwiched in between two restaurants.
Being a New York City Real Estate Salesperson can fill your soul with trepidation. So much can go wrong so quickly, and it has nothing to do with the steps you've taken. So many factors go into closing a deal, and you can't plan for every scenario.
Case in point: my buyer backs out because he's been sent to jail. Ugh - I hate it when that happens. My first reaction: I'll bail him out if he'll finish this transaction! I wanted to gag repeatedly when his broker called me. My client threatened to go to another broker, and in this city, that's easily arranged. If I'm going to win back my seller, I'll have to find him a new client, and I'm up for the challenge.

As for Luis, the last time I saw him he showed up late to Fredrik's open house, parked his Maserati on the sidewalk, and told me to shine his shoes. Literally. That's what happened! Before then, I gave him a check for $20,000! Have you ever had a situation where you stop and think to yourself, "Wait, is everyone just crazy? Or...am I the crazy one?"
So yes, if Luis and Ian want their full-floor unit, they'll need Michael. Michael has no desire to move. He is in the middle of a renovation! So if he's going to be lifted from his home, then it's my responsibility to make it worth his while. A full-floor home in this location is going to bring in some serious revenue for Ian, and I do not think it's fair if Michael does not participate in that.
It may flatter Luis to think that my negotiations are some personal attack. I like to make jokes here on my blog, but this is ALL business. Michael is my client, and this buy-out is going to cost Luis and his developer. Buy-outs are notoriously expensive in many cases, so don't feel sorry for anyone. If Luis plays his cards right, I could work Michael down from the 10 million he wants. I will do what's right by my client – I always do.
NEXT WEEK! The Season 4 Finale, can you believe it? This has been the best season of Million Dollar Listing New York, ever, and it's NOT over. You've seen the clip for next week; things are going to get weird between me and Mr. Ortiz.

ALSO: did you watch my movie? While We're Young has it all, an amazing writer/director and cast, plus I'm in it! Find it wherever you watch movies, but don't be a movie pirate, pirates aren't cool unless Johnny Depp is in it.
We'll talk soon, don't miss me too much in the meantime.