James Harris: Who Could Be Mad at a Million Dollar Profit?
James talks about his favorite moment from this episode.
This episode still brings a smile to my face. Not only was I able to relive the moment that my best friend in the entire world asked me to be his best man, but I got to re-see David grin from ear to ear with excitement at the thought of asking Adrian to be his wife. I couldn’t be more happy for the two of them. They are a match made in heaven, and I look forward to watching their family grow. Lord knows Sofia and Chloe would like some playmates!
It was lovely to see how quick and painless the sale of Orlando turned out to be for David. I knew he had an emotional attachment to the property, and I wanted to be sure to stick by him when it came to the negotiations. In the end, both Adrian and David were thrilled with the sale--who could be mad at a million dollar profit? David poured his heart into making that house an incredible home, and I am so proud of how it all turned out. On top of the spectacular deal we made for the Orlando house, we were so pleased with the outcome of our Tower Lane listing. It was great to see the property go above asking with a three-day close to Flagg and Ilan. I suppose the property was likely to go to Ilan either way, as he had two brokers in his corner! The fallout between Flagg and Altman was about the worst we’ve ever seen, and isn’t likely to get better any time soon...