Mariah: Family Doesn't Ignore Your Pain
Mariah explains what exactly set her off at that beach dinner. How does it feel to hear Simone say she regrets the way she handled things with you last year?
Mariah Huq: It was great to hear Simone acknowledge that she didn't handle things as a loyal friend with me last year. Moving forward, I truly hope that Dr. Simone ' s actions are more synchronized with her words. Why do you think Toya wasn’t willing to apologize for not showing support when you were in the hospital?
MH: I accept Toya for who she is and who she will always be. I will not try to rationalize her lack of empathy for our loss or her lack of ability to relate to my health issues. At least I know where we stand. Although she refused to apologize, I choose to focus on the positive and progressive. Dr. Simone, Dr. Heavenly, and Quad did apologize, and I really appreciate and respect their efforts. What was it exactly that set you off during that dinner? What was running through your mind?
MH: Dinner was extremely challenging for me. You never realize that there are multiple stages of grief until you go through it. Hearing "we are family" from anyone at that dinner table was shocking. Family may not be perfect, but most of the time they are there when you need them most. Family doesn't ignore your pain when you suffer a loss. Family does not mistake grief for anger. Family doesn't make excuses when they should've and could've been there.
If this is the way this group treats family, I would hate to see the way they treat their friends or patients.