Heavenly: We Are All Very Different
Heavenly wonders why there's so much discord among the ladies.
I've been pondering on what is the cause of so much discord amongst this group of women. We are all very educated, but it is very difficult for us to get along for a long period of time. Seems we all are guilty of doing and saying the wrong things at times. For myself, I have a very strange sense of humor. Rather than cry or become angry or upset, I laugh. That's how I've learned to deal with things.
I've come to the conclusion that because of our backgrounds and personal experiences, we are all very different. We sometimes can't see another's point of view, because we are so focused on our own. All of us are guilty of being unsupportive, rude, and downright mean at times. However, I don't think we come from a bad place. For example, I cannot wrap my mind around being totally dependent on another person or going to school to get a doctorate and working as an administrator for my husband's practice...or yelling and screaming at someone else, rather than just walking away. I don't think it's for me to judge. My philosophy has always been live and let live. I just wanted to open up the conversation to understand the thought process. I think it's fascinating how people can think so differently.
We are taught at a young age by our parents or other impressionable adults things like religion and how THEY believed we should live, so you can see why someone would be passionate about their beliefs. I was taught things like the man is the leader of the household, never argue with another person's husband, men should never disrespect another person's wife, pray before you eat, work hard, and NEVER give up. I hold to these teachings. I do think maybe we should all take the time to consider another person's background and why they view things the way that they do. That would save us a lot of time with conflict resolution.
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Dr. Heavenly Kimes
Co Author of #1 Best selling series
Author of Dr Heavenly's Business Prescriptions @Dr_Heavenly