Simone Gets on Track With Cecil
Simone is happy to get back in the groove with her hubby and dissects Quad's dog problems.

I would like to thank everyone for watching the show last week and live tweeting with me.
Alaura was very sharp on her assessment of Dr. Heavenly getting stirred up at the Princess Party. Also, she called out Mariah for making a grand entrance at Lisa Nicole's house. I still laugh when I think about the rose petals being dropped for the rulers of Zamunda.
This is an exciting show for me, because this was my opportunity to get things back on track between Cecil and me. I am glad that Jackie is babysitting the boys for me. However, Dr. Jackie wasn’t ready for the honest truth and questions from 12 and 15 years old boys.
I laugh at the title of this episode as "blind date." Cecil still talks about Dr. Jackie's blindfold being entirely too tight. You couldn't tell from the show, but it took almost 15 minutes for his vision to normalize and to realize we were on a golf course. LOL. The boys struggled giving Cecil directions to the golf course, but everything turned out great. The food was wonderful, the service was impeccable, and the golf course was beautiful. Cecil was truly surprised and we had a great night sharing our appreciation for each other and firing up our romance.
The meeting with Toya and their lawyer was a very sad story. Toya says she has a great lawyer, but losing your earnest money when you are unable to financially close on a loan is rare. Cecil is also a real estate agent and the issue of not being able to get financing is one of the most common ways of getting your earnest money back. And $50,000 is a large earnest money check. I hope they learned a lesson from this deal.
I am just like everyone else and love a Bravo crossover. It was nice for Cynthia Bailey to come out and support Lisa Nicole's model search. Quad definitely came in throwing shade. LOL "Where is my horse?" Dwight wearing a coat with horse fur is quite interesting. It certainly fits, since this is the week of the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown.
Quad and Greg’s discussion about her dogs was very heated. I know they are newlyweds and I can only hope they will learn how to have spirited debates, but keeping the fight fair. Greg and Quad both used points which really set-off the argument. I know everyone says I am a fence rider, LOL, but I do understand the hurt from both sides. Greg is always offended when Quad makes comments about what he is not doing, and we all know, if you talk about her dogs in the wrong way, Quad is going to be hotter than a firecracker.
I know many of my fans always talk about seeing more of my personal life and family but some critics claim that seeing family life is boring. I hope I didn't bore too many people with the opportunity to have a wonderful night out with Cecil. I definitely understand the points being made by Cecil and plan to really take heed to his suggestions so we can stay together for another 18 years.
What do you think about the nurse's suggestions to buy some toys to spice up my sex life?
I am really looking forward to the couple’s trip next week. I have been hosting couples' retreats at my home for years and it is always fun and informative. I am thinking about hosting a couples' retreat which will be open to everyone. Be on the lookout!
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Check out for the Docs and Quad on call.
Thank you for all of the great comments on my appearance in the Summer by Bravo commercial.