The Lois to His Superman
Lori Zaslow thinks Quinn needs to give Meg another chance.

On this week's show I met with Quinn. My first impression was that he’s stiff, nervous, stuck in his head, but very handsome, together and intelligent. During our visual impression meeting I saw a different side of Quinn -- lustier with quite high visual standards. Possibly more of his wall? Or maybe with degrees from Stanford, MIT, and Harvard he is accustomed to everything being the best. This unexpected passion made me think of a great gal for him. Meg is spontaneous, very clever, sexy, and will hopefully be the Lois Lane he needs to release the inner Superman from his Clark Kent exterior.

As I always say, dating is a game and love is a process. Hence, so is my service ( It takes time and experience to get through the protective layers of a person down to their core. We are all scared to look like a fool, be rejected, or lose. With each date's feedback, I see who is really under the skin's surface and often what they are looking for (before they even realize it). Dave Fish's willingness to put himself out there and take a body language lesson from Blake at The Nonverbal Group and Dave's ability to learn from the past was evident in his date with Stacy. This date was a great example of how being passionately yourself, while also being open to growth, leads you closer and closer to people who adore you for who you really are. Sometimes who you really are is better than you give yourself credit for. Insecurities often stem from a fear that who you really are will not be acceptable. The only way to prove that wrong is to get vulnerable and back in the saddle. There truly is someone for everyone.

With Meg, maybe Quinn was scared of losing his cool. But that’s because she got him hot under the collar. So Lois! If Quinn gave it a second chance, they may connect on that cerebral level. (And what’s so bad about one more date with a girl you are hot for?) What if she proved to be the one who breaks him free of his fears of his uninhibited self? I should just make the second date mandatory already.Everlasting love rarely falls from the sky into your lap. The longest lasting romances come about from two individuals willing to build on their love by working on themselves.
Falling in love can be frightening (that’s where the falling comes in)! Your soul mate is there to catch you. When someone rounds you out, opens you up, gets you out of your comfort zone and over your fears, it often reveals a you that you love more. One who helps you live your life to its fullest. Soul mates don't always make life more comfortable…but they do make it more worthwhile.
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