Friendship Caught Fire
Lori Zaslow explains the best way to approach a date.

“Love is like friendship caught fire.” – Bruce Lee
This week I worked with Justin and Doug. Justin was the perfect example of open and willing; Doug was the perfect example of not. Every encounter with another human being is a chance to uphold, improve or destroy your reputation. You never know who you are interacting with or how they will cross your path in the future. This effect is exponential. After discovering the way Doug treats his dates, I would not be comfortable setting him up with another woman, or even recommending his business to anyone I care about until he changes his ways. I know Jessica felt the same, and I’d bet she won’t be as forgiving, if he changes. Doug will have to dig deeper to be able to receive the love I believe we all deserve, when it crosses his path.

A nice break with good old friends is a great way to hit your reset button. Good friends ground you in who you really are and what you stand for. Romance comes and goes, but real friendship is forever. So imagine if your romance starts from friendship? Think of your date as a good friend who you want to learn more about, for one hour, whether you feel romantic chemistry or not. This image will inspire respect and help you keep your cool. As we always hear, you only have one chance to make a first impression. Your date could turn out to be your new best friend who introduces you to your soul mate. What goes around comes around, so spread some love by being a friend.