We Found the Top-Rated Face Mask at Each of Your Favorite Beauty Stores
...including one super-bargain mask with 13K 5-star reviews and counting!

The concept is pretty simple: 1) Slather on face mask. 2) Rinse to reveal skin that’s transformed from haggard to glowy in no more time than it take to upload a #facemask selfie of the event to Instagram.
The reality, however, doesn’t always play out that way. I’ve tried enough face masks to know that although the right face mask is indeed a 2.1-oz. pot of magic (see: Sisley Black Rose Cream Mask and Glamglow Thirstymud) — the wrong face mask can leave me with a face-full of spots and $60 poorer.
I also grudgingly accept that I do not have the expendable income of a Real Houswife — which means, of course, I don't have the cash to try each and every face mask that hits the market. I do, however know a few hundred thousand beauty-obsessed strangers with the collective power to test them all out.
And it's thanks to their glowing reviews that I discovered my new favorite super-bargain mask ($8.30 for a gigantic tub!) that's so loved by, well, everyone that it has over 13,000 5-star reviews and counting, making it Amazon's top-rated face mask. And that's not event mentioning Sephora customers' super-luxe favorite ... or Target shoppers' affordable detox mud ... or any of the other customer picks ahead from 10 of our favorite stores.