Annabelle Neilson: Stop Being Caroline Stanbury's Pawn
Annabelle discusses Caroline's "ungracious" apology retraction and wants the Ladies to be pitbulls, not pawns. Being that it’s New Year’s Eve, do you have any good hang over cures?
Annabelle Neilson: Hair of the dog that bit you, basically means you have another drink. The best is a bloody mary, some people say you should put a raw egg in it, not sure why, sounds yuck. Drinking two pints of water and a paracetamol, because simply said your totally dehydrated. What do you think of Caroline Stanbury’s retraction of her apology?
AN: I think it's stupid, ungracious, unnecessary and wrong. She knows damn well it meant a lot to Jules and the way it looks is that Caroline doesn't want to look weak or that she's lost some silly row with Jules. Why do you think the ladies seem, in Julie’s words, afraid of Caroline Stanbury and don’t stand up to her?
AN: You know, the truth is I don't really know why they all seem so intimidated but I think it may be that Caroline put's the girls down in a sort of passive aggressive way but with a laugh and a smile…so they feel this subtle kind of hurt and then they get scared!! Also Caroline does have bubbles, Sophie and Caroline Fleming as well as an up and down fire ball in Juliet - sort of as these little pawns and she can use them when in need, to back her up... Tell us about the lunch with Juliet and Julie. Are you surprised Juliet was upset that Julie told you about her conversation with Caroline? Why did you say you thought Julie was lying?
AN: Well, I got a call from Jules asking me to come meet with her and Juliet. I was told by Jules that Juliet was really scared and wanted to know if I would back her up if it all kicked off again with Caroline. Jules told me that Caroline had said that she would ruin Juliet’s name and social life in London, which quite honestly made me laugh but I went because Jules asked me and I also wanted Juliet not to feel scared. But then she denied it happened. For me as really more of a bystander to both the girls’ issues, it seemed obvious that Juliet was not telling the truth and that's how it looked to me. I think Juliet at that moment was scared and didn't want to go with Jules against Caroline. I think Jules wanted Juliet’s back up and obviously mine, but I think they all need to start standing up for themselves if they want this situation for them individually to change. Find your inner pitbull and stop being a pawn...