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These Electric Fireplaces Look (and Feel) Exactly Like the Real Deal

And all you have to do is plug them in.

By Katherine Kluznik

I love my apartment. Like really, really love it. I spent years reworking the decor to get it just how I want it, and I'm happy to say, it's finally my idea of perfection. Well, except for one little detail. As much as I adore my apartment, it has one glaring downside: No fireplace.

This might not seem like a huge deal — after all, I live in a metropolis, and fireplaces aren’t exactly expected. But that doesn’t mean I want one any less.

Turns out, there is a surprisingly simple solution to the problem: an electric fireplace! Now, if you’d suggested this to me a few months ago I’d have made a scowl-y face and called you crazy. I mean, they’re ugly, right? They stand out in the worst way possible.

But then the designer friend who'd shared the tip proved she knows way more than me about the topic and showed me designs that demoed just how much faux-fireplace aesthetics have improved since even a few years ago. This new breed not only warms a space as well as a wood-burning version, it looks good doing it. And all you have to do is order it and plug it in. Simple.

Sure, a faux hearth is an investment — they tend to run from just under $200 to to nearly $500 (or even quadruple that if you really want to splurge) — but that’s still way cheaper than changing houses.

Ahead, 10 electric fireplaces for every design — whether you’d describe your style as sleek and super-modern or rustic French country.

Northwest 36-Inch Stainless Electric Fireplace

Ameriwood Home Winnie Electric Fireplace

Touchstone Onyx  Electric Fireplace

Real Flame Adelaide Electric Fireplace

Boston Loft Furnishings Electric Fireplace

Real Flame Ashley Electric Fireplace

Aiden Lane Marble Electric Fireplace

Real Flame Electric Fireplace

Real Flame Chateau Corner Electric Fireplace

Granville Electric Fireplace

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