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Get to Know the Euros

Find out what they love about America and who their celebrity crushes are.


Bravotv.com: What's your favorite thing about living in America? 
Bleona: My favorite thing about living in America is that nothing is impossible… If you've made it in America, then you have made it all over the world.  If something is important to you, then you find a way -- if it’s not, then you find an excuse. And I love sweet potato fries! We don't have them in Europe.

Bravotv.com: Your least favorite thing?
B: Most people here only call when they need something from you.  You can be married to someone for 20 years, and after the divorce they act like they don’t even know you… I’ve seen it happen.  I don’t want any part-time people in my life, I want it all or nothing.

Bravotv.com: When did you learn to speak English?
B: I started to learn English in school when I was 12-years-old, but I really started speaking the language when I was in my 20s.  When I was growing up in Albania, English wasn’t a popular language to speak, so I wasn’t using the language every day.

Bravotv.com: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
B: Honest. Diva. Hardworking.  There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. Rule No. 1: Never be No. 2.  Second place is the first looser.

Bravotv.com: Who's your celebrity crush?
B: Ben Affleck, but I wish him all the best in his marriage.euros-of-hollywood-season-1-blog-promote-fawni.jpg

Bravotv.com: What's your favorite thing about living in America? Your least favorite thing?
Fawni: I love American fast food and I HATE American fast food, LOL! I have gained a lot of weight here. I love the American people, the American way. Everything and anything is possible here. You must be hardworking, have a good sense for business, be kind yet aggressive, and then the stars are the limit! In America you don't just dream it, you make it! 

Bravotv.com: When did you learn to speak English?
F: I'm still now learning to speak English!

Bravotv.com: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
F: Loving, relentlessly ambitious, fiery, sparkly, feisty, warm hearted, bossy, a little crazy and happppy! Oh did you say 3 words, oops; and I never follow rules!

Bravotv.com: Who's your celebrity crush?
F: Massimo Dobrovic!euros-of-hollywood-season-1-blog-promote-isabel.jpg

Bravotv.com: What is your favorite thing about living in America? Your least favorite thing?
Isabel Adrian: My favorite thing about living in America is the idea of the American Dream.  If you work hard towards your goals and take advantage of the opportunities you are presented with, you can become whomever you want.  My least favorite thing is fake people who take advantage of others.

Bravotv.com: When did you learn to speak English?
IA: I obviously learned in school, but even before I started to attend school we had satellite TV and I learned watching Sky 1 on cable.

Bravotv.com: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
IA: Loyal, caring, sarcastic.

Bravotv.com: Who is your celebrity crush?
IA: Is it even a question? It always has and always will be my husband, Steve Angello.


Bravotv.com: What's your favorite thing about living in America? Your least favorite thing?
Jannik Olander: I love the easy life in America. It’s a great country with amazing people. Everybody comes from somewhere else or their grandparents did, and everyone has a chance to make it here if you are dedicated and hardworking. In the US people are less judgmental and everybody is allowed to have their dream and try to make it work. On the other hand it’s a tough place if you aren’t making a lot of money. Health care and benefits aren’t as good as in Europe, so there is a lot of poverty and homelessness, especially in the bigger cities like LA and NY. Also because the US attracts so many dreamers, there are a lot of people moving here trying to take advantage of the ones that come with a good heart and clear mind. In a place like LA there are too many hustlers and wannabes, but I suppose that’s a part of the charm too.

Bravotv.com: When did you learn to speak English?
JO: I learned it in school in Denmark. Our country is so small that we have to learn at least two other languages to communicate with the world. When I was nineteen I moved to London and got a job at Harvey Nichols and learned to speak English fluently over the next twelve months.

Bravotv.com: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
JO: Passionate, ambitious, hardworking. 

Bravotv.com: Who's your celebrity crush?
JO: Olivia Palermoeuros-of-hollywood-season-1-blog-promote-massimo.jpg

Bravotv.com: What's your favorite thing about living in America?
Massimo Dobrovic:  My favorite thing about living in America is that here if you work really hard, you commit yourself fully to whatever you want, you stay positive, persistent, and you never give up, you can achieve anything. Here anything is possible. Possibilities are endless and not even the sky is the limit. There is no other country in the world that offers you all these amazing opportunities. Here you can really make your dream a reality.

Bravotv.com: Your least favorite thing?
MD: My least favorite thing about America is that everything is privatized, which means the social system is lacking and has many gaps like health care, various insurance problems of all kinds, extremely high costs for basic needs like food, utilities, medicines, clothes, and other survival necessities.

Bravotv.com: When did you learn to speak English?
MD:  I've been studying English since the age of five. I used to go to private lessons at English summer camps around Europe. Later on I graduated from the United World College of the Adriatic with an International Baccalaureate Diploma. This college was entirely in English. After the UWCAD I've graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts with an Associate of Arts Degree and that was also completely in English. So I've been mastering English for my whole life and am still working hard daily on mastering my standard American accent.

Bravotv.com: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
MD: Enthusiastic, passionate, ambitious

Bravotv.com: Who's your celebrity crush?
MD: Meryl Streepeuros-of-hollywood-season-1-blog-promote-sascha.jpg

Bravotv.com: What's your favorite thing about living in America?
Sascha Gerecht: It's still the land of the freedom and everything is possible to make your dreams come true! 

Bravotv.com: Your least favorite thing?
SG: I have to be born in America to become president!

Bravotv.com: When did you learn to speak English?
SG: Never, really learning by doing.

Bravotv.com: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
SG: Like a man

Bravotv.com: Who's your celebrity crush?
SG: George Michael

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