Adam Banks Won't Be Rushed
Roble's right-hand man explains what happened with that 40-minute salad at Tyson Chandler's event. That 40-minute salad. What happened? It didn't seem like you and Roble thought there was anything with taking that long. What happened?
Adam C. Banks: Let me clear some things up first. That salad didn’t take 40 minutes or 25 minute as the other crew said. Finished plates were out the door no longer than 15 minutes from when we got a confirmed go-ahead to start the first course. Artie, Shawn, and the rest of the front of house crew were so overly eager to please Tyson and his guests, that they were not looking at the big picture, and because of their impatience, overinflated the actual time it took to get those plates out. Put it this way: remember as a child, when you would buy an ice cream or popsicle from the truck in the summer? You stand in line, the guy in the truck finally takes your order, and you hand him your crumpled bills. He doesn’t give you what you want right away, he takes two more orders, then disappears to the back for what seems like an eternity. You stand eager, anxiously awaiting for the guy to return with that sugary, cold concoction that you saw pictured on the side of the truck. Now 10, 15, 20 minutes go by, easily! Then he finally returns, hands you your overly frozen treat, and all your anxieties melt way as quickly as that mediocre, fluorescent popsicle. In actuality, it only took 30 seconds to get that popsicle, but in your head it seemed like a drastically longer period of time.
Same thing happened with the salad. They wanted it so bad, their sense of timing was way off. There was really no rush. Tyson and his guests were out there enjoying their drinks and having a good time. The kitchen is not going to compromise the integrity of the food so guests who are not in a rush can have plates in front of them four minutes faster. Not happening. What did you think of Roble and Kiku's conversation about last week? How do you think they both handled the situation?
AB: I think that Roblé and Kiku both made valid points during their talk on what happened with that dessert debacle. I know they will work things out and both try to avoid getting into situations like that in the future. Kiku's been setting you up! What do you look for in a woman? Do you think Kiku's a good matchmaker?
AB: I like a woman who is a good balance and a contrast at the same time. We share common interests but both bring something different and interesting to the party. Oh yeah, a nice smile too. Kiku does a good job matching people up. She’s done it before with much success. Anishika and I had a lot of fun on our dates, but unfortunately she had to move for work. We still keep in touch, and we’re gonna hang out the next time I’m in L.A. You came up with some very inventive ideas for the "food of the future" party -- do you enjoy cooking that way? Is it something you'd like to do more of?
AB: The "food of the future" theme was a lot of fun but a big challenge. Nothing about that menu was typical or routine. We had to re-think every element of those dishes, down to the unique vessels we served the food on and make sure it was not boring or expected. Matthew wanted a wow factor for all aspects of his party. I really like that style of cooking and food presentation. I like being challenged and thinking outside of the box. I’ve worked for a lot of different catering companies over the years, and there is nothing worse than pumping out the same, boring, run-of-the-mill food over and over again. Even though I did enjoy the change and challenge, my favorite way to cook is very simply with great ingredients and nature dictating how best to prepare the food. Though, I’m up for a challenge like this again. Everyone seemed very happy with how this party went -- how do you think it went?
AB: I am extremely pleased with how the futuristic party turned out. It was one of our best. Every element, from the space, to the costumes, to the food, all worked in sync to make a great event. Matthew Waldman emailed me personally after the party to express how happy he was with how everything went. Roble has had issues with both Jasmine and Kiku so far this season. Do you think he's getting more strict in the kitchen? Have you felt a difference?
AB: Roblé keeps getting more and more put on his plate. It’s getting busier, and he is pulled in many more directions. I don’t think people understand the amount of pressure put on him. He is not just a cook anymore. He is the chef-owner of a successful, growing company still in its youth, as well as the face. He used to be more food-focused, but like any executive chef and owner, he has to deal with the business side of things, as well as keeping an eye on all the departments of his company. It’s a learning and growing experience of practice and trial and error. I’m here to help him out as much as I can. You had the opportunity to lead the kitchen when Roble walked in his cousins' fashion show. Is this something you're comfortable doing? Is that something you'd what to do more of?
AB: I’m here to support Roblé and have his back. He needed me to make sure everything in the kitchen ran smoothly during the Mataano fashion event, so I did it. I’ve worked a lot of catering events and know what has to be done. We had a big crew that night, who knew exactly what we were serving, and they jumped right in and got to work with minimal direction. Managing people isn’t my favorite thing, but I can do it when At the end of the ep we see Roble and Dan kiss. Could you see this coming? What's your take on their relationship?
AB: I could see some flirting going on between Roblé and Dan, but that’s normal in restaurants and catering. People work long hours with each other, and sometime that’s a way to ease the stress and insanity of what’s going on. Most of the time it’s just innocuous fun and goes nowhere, so I didn’t really think much about it. Sometimes personal relationships that start at work end up being successful, but not usually. I’ve known Roblé for many years and worked with him at a few different companies, and he’s never seemed interested in dating women he has worked with. I don’t see this going anywhere romantically. Things happen, and people move on.