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Throw Some Glitter

Episode 3: Bravotv.com's Associate Editor ponders the setting of the shindig -- from unicorn-appropriate to washed out.

Does it feel like we just saw you? We did! We treated you to Roblé two days in a row because we love you so much. And you thought we were going to forget it was the holidays? Let's do unlike Vanessa Williams and not save the best for last -- but recap the best instead (sorry I had to!).

I Saw the Shine
As a card-carrying member of the maximalist club (and a Lady Gaga fan), I am familiar with Kerin Rose. Her glasses are exactly the sort of thing one shouldn't wear while driving a car or doing pretty much anything that necessitates vision, but they are super bad a--. I actually just saw a few of her amazing pieces in person at the Gaga Workshop at Barney's (which is a delight of oddities, if you happen to be in town and can drop by), my favorite being this pearl and bug teacup.


Needless to say, Roblé's arrival at her apartment showcased just what a wonderful weirdo she is (his description of the place as looking like "a rainbow got high on LSD and puked all over the place" was right on). And she wanted that exact vibe at her event.

Unfortunately Jazz didn't exactly bring it (Kiku did though! Those desserts were incredible! I would have loved to have gorged myself on glittery delights at that dessert bar, particularly having free reign to spray paint all the desserts I desired. Also a pink chocolate fountain!). Jazz slacked on the ridiculous ambiance, which is what this party was mainly about. It was a major bummer, because there are so many great things they could have done to fill that space with color -- lighting tricks, hanging large panels of fabric, flats, etc. etc. In the end, being sans Shawn really hurt the team, and Jasmine handled the complaint. . .by hiding.

I understand her desire not to deal with it, but that's not going to work. Thankfully Jazz had a chance to redeem herself very quickly.

BBQ With All the Colors of the Wind
The gang went straight from Glitter-palozza to Vanessa Williams house. Yes, the Vanessa Williams. Vanessa needed to throw together a little BBQ for her son and daughter's graduations. Since Vanessa's house is so fabulous (unsurprisingly), Jazz didn't have to do much in the way of decor -- except pray that it didn't rain (it did). All Roblé had to do was play it cool as they discussed what dishes Vanessa wanted. . . unfortunately that was more difficult than one would imagine.

And of course, it was tricky, because, it's Vanessa Williams. She's the singer of Adam Banks' third-favorite song. She's uh-mazing. So the Co. turned it out with some incredible looking coffee BBQ ribs, a lamb burger, and sweet potato pecan pie. Sweet. Potato. Pecan. Pie. Obviously, Ms. Williams was overwhelmed with joy about something like that, even if she had to eat it in her garage because of inclement weather. And just like that the Co. is back on top.

Next week, Bleezie handles a four-year-old that loves edamame. Nothing weird about that.

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