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The Daily Dish Food and Drinks

Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau Had the Most Romantic Dinner Date Ever (Yes, There Were Oysters)

Steak, lobster, and strawberry shortcake were on the menu, too.

By Maggie Shi

Step aside, Emmanuel Macron. Justin Trudeau has reunited with Barack Obama.

While everyone was swooning over a potential bromance brewing between the newly elected French president and the dreamy Canadian Prime Minister—they took a romantic stroll through a lush Italian garden just last month—it's clear that Trudeau hasn't forgotten about his first bromantic love, Barack Obama.

The two dined (and wined?) earlier this week in Montreal at Liverpool House, a cozy seafood restaurant that's a favorite of Trudeau's. The leisurely six-course meal featured oysters, shrimp, halibut, steak, and spaghetti lobster—the house specialty—and ended with strawberry shortcake, revealed chef David McMillan in an interview with CBC News.

No ketchup was involved, the chef added.

Obama let Trudeau do the ordering, and yes, there was a candle on the table. "They ate everything," McMillan said in the interview, noting that his kitchen crew cooked up a slightly healthier menu with "a little less butter, less cream."

Unsurprisingly, the Internet is giddy over the rekindled bromance.


We're waiting with bated breath to see how this bromance triangle shapes up.

Photo credit: Courtesy of The Obama Foundation/Twitter

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