This Is Not a Drill: Avocado Chocolate Bars Have Just Arrived to Fulfill Your Wildest Dreams
It's a match made in foodie heaven.
We love it when two of our favorite things come together. Like bacon and donuts, Netflix and chilling, or Bloody Marys and the phrase “bottomless.” But now, a new bar (puns) for amazing duos has been set. And its name?
(Technically that’s completely wrong, its name is the Avocado Chocolate Bar, but a little editorializing never hurt, right?)
The white chocolate bar filled with fresh avocado comes to us courtesy of a partnership between the California Avocado Commission and chocolatier Compartés, according to Food and Wine. Compartés, an LA-based company founded in 1950 and dedicated to crafting inventive and delicious chocolates, releases new flavors seasonally—a tactic they describe as “in the vein of the greatest fashion houses.” The company’s other chocolate bar creations have included S’mores, Kale, and even something called "Cereal Bowl."
With the avocado chocolate bar however, Compartés has struck obsession-gold. Avocados, as you probably know, have been something of a mania in the food world for the last few years, and although many continue to try and proclaim the death of peak avocado, love for the stone fruit grows on. So by combining avocados, our recent obsession, with chocolate, perhaps our oldest obsession, Compartés almost certainly has a recipe for success on its hands.
You can order your own avocado chocolate bar from Compartés on its website, but act fast before they all avocad-go.