Madly In Love
Bethenny gives more details on the birth of baby Bryn, and reveals the name she would have chosen for a boy.
The baby CPR class made me realize how alert and aware you constantly need to be and how many details there are to focus on. It is astounding to me how many things there are to learn and how many women are such great multi-taskers. It is all so overwhelming. My hat goes off to all the moms across America. I learn from you every day. I still have yet to take Bryn into a car service and buckle her in, FYI.
To say that I was worried about Cookie and the baby is a gross understatement. Terrified is more the word. However, I have faith in her. She would kill for her family. It's strangers she hates. She's very complicated and should work for the CIA on security detail.
Max is definitely a little bit of a challenge. He's 24 going on 16, and somehow just doesn't seem to get it. He always seems to be confused. I wonder if he grew up a bit sheltered which is difficult for me to relate to.
I didn't really panic when my water broke. I was more neurotic and obsessive compulsive. There were so many details and we weren't remotely prepared. I also wanted to be in the moment. It was so much fun and really exciting. The whole journey of childbirth was incredible.
Julie is the greatest gift to my life and business. She has come into her own and holds it all together. She is the glue in my household and office. Jason, Cookie, Bryn and I depend upon her.
I really didn't consider calling my mother. This was such a pure, magical time, and I was determined to bring my baby into a better world than I had. I didn't think of myself. I just thought of my unborn child.
The epidural is the nectar of the gods. The minute I started feeling those excruciating pains, the "natural" portion of my job title went straight out the window. It was the greatest gift to mankind.
Women who tough it out with no drugs are masochists and must like to be whipped and chained. Aside from the potential risks (which aren't to be taken lightly) there is no reason that I would ever go that route. Life is too tough already. The minute I can have the drugs, hit me with them!
My hips were too narrow to get Bryn out so she was just jammed right there. It was never going to happen (my MD said once he saw how tightly she was in there). Bryn was like a wine cork in a bottle - difficult to get out. This was the reason for the C-section, which I really didn't mind. I have a high threshold for pain, so I was cool with that option.
Casey was our boy's name and his middle name would have been Bryn. Instead, the name was reversed to Bryn Casey. We are madly in love with her. All of our dreams have come true!