Captain Lee: Could Trevor Say Senior Deckhand One More Time?
Captain Lee dishes on his first impressions of the new crew.

Arrrgh mates, here we find ourselves again with another exciting season of drama-filled antics of the definitely not boring crew of Below Deck. I’m really excited about this year as we have some new faces, some familiar faces, and some things that transpire that even had me in shock. For anyone who knows me, that is not easy to do. Right when I thought I had seen it all, BOOM, I’m stunned. So without further ado, let’s get right to it.
We have a new yacht, Valor, which has just undergone a major refit and is drop dead gorgeous; I just love this boat. We have a strong core crew in Kate, Ben, and Kelley, who is coming back hoping to have a shot at redemption, which I am more than willing to afford him.
We also have some new crew -- we will see how they work out and get along with the core crew that have worked together before. So strap yourselves in, because there will be some lumps along the way, of that I am sure.
Our first charter is so much fun. I think it’s great that they have never met in person but are all internet acquaintances and willing to take a chance. It was great. These girls are wonderful, and they are just out to have some fun while getting to know each other for the first time in person.
I love Kate’s attitude always, but more so this year. No matter what I throw at her, even being down a stew right off the bat, she takes it in stride and deals with it. She will do whatever it takes to get the job done. Kate has brought us a surprise as well. She has chosen to take a dip in the lady pond; not sure how Ben will deal with that.

And Kate, as far as Trevor goes, please don’t feed the animals. If you do, his head will explode.

Trevor, Trevor, Trevor…could you possibly say Senior Deckhand one more time? We get the picture. And then you pull rank and toss your crewmate out of his bunk, which is not how to win friends and influence people. Not off to a good start. I don’t have a warm fuzzy feeling here and it’s way early in the season. First charter. Don’t let that title go to your head, but I think we’ve passed that point I fear. And Trevor, as far as you and Sierra becoming “besties,” I wouldn’t get my hopes up. And why do you have your shirt off in front of the guests to show them your tats? Are you sure you worked on a charter boat before? What are you thinking? Really. And did I see you do what I thought I saw you do in your bunk at the end of the day? Not the best look.
I’m having some doubts about you, and you are doing nothing to alleviate them thus far. You’re lack of yachting terms has me a bit concerned as well. But let’s see how it plays out, it’s still early.
We have Lauren, who should be an asset. We will see how it goes. She is very pleasant and just a happy individual. Has some good credentials, so we will see how the practical application goes.
Ben seems a wee bit cranky. He’s going to need to tone that down, as this is charter one. We have a long way to go. If he is like that now, not sure how he will be after week four, but I’m chalking it up to his doing back-to-back charter seasons. Ben and I go back a ways, so he will always get the benefit of the doubt from me.
Sierra, not a good first impression (and keep in mind you never get a second attempt at making a first impression). You missed the plane for a new job with new crewmates, and you don’t even know how you did it. We must not have been a priority for you. It’s only your job. We all know how I feel about excuses: It’s just a lame reason for you failing. You went to college a “few” times. Not sure what to that means. I am really hoping that you are more than just a pretty face.
Kelley, I appreciate you coming to me for advice. Trevor, I can tell right now, is going to be an educational experience for you. I do want you to think on your own, but that is a thing that takes experience. I’m going to help you to a certain degree, but you need to have your own thoughts and make your own decision; you will learn by doing. You are going to make mistakes, but I am not going to let you fail. I’m also not going to hold your hand through the whole process. You need to learn to do it on your own.

Nico seems like a pleasant kid. Eager to do well and seems to have some experience that will prove to be an asset to us. I’m looking forward to seeing how he pans out. No red flags so far. It’s early, but I like what I see so far.
Emily just seems to be a breath of fresh air. She is very upbeat. She has had extra duties piled on her being shorthanded, but not a whiff of a complaint. Love that. Love her accent, she should get on well with Ben and I see her and Kate getting along quite well.
So those are my assessments so far, but it’s very early. Our first charter seems to be going well, the guests are great, the yacht is beautiful, and we now have a full crew. What could possibly go wrong? Well if the previews are any indication of what is to come, I am going to have my hands full. Let’s see who survives and makes it through another season of Below Deck. So until next time, fair winds and following seas, mates. See you on the flip side.