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Eddie Lucas: It Was Embarrassing Seeing Dane Act That Way

Eddie Lucas weighs in on the dramatic confrontation with Dane.

By Eddie Lucas
Eddie Confronts Dane

Bravotv.com: What was going through your mind during the confrontation with Dane?
Eddie Lucas: It was sad to see someone act like that, but it was mostly embarrassing. The owners of the resort were so nice and trusting to let us make drinks and have the resort to ourselves. It was wrong and rude of Dane to take a bottle from the bar, and I wasn't going to let him embarrass all of us.

How to Watch

Watch Below Deck on Peacock and on Bravo.

Bravotv.com: Was it difficult being shorthanded after Captain Lee let Dane go?
EL: No it wasn't difficult; Dane was useless anyway. The work went by faster with out having to babysit Dane at every task.

Captain Lee Rosbach Fires Dane

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