Amy: Leon Was Responsible for the Mix Up
Amy Johnson shares her thoughts on the new deckhand and weighs in on the drama between Kate and Chef Leon. What was your first impression of the new deckhand, Dane?
Amy Johnson: I was so excited get a new deckhand; it's always fun getting a new crew member to mix things up! My first impression of Dane...I really liked his southern accent. Was it hard dealing with the tension between Kate and Leon? Who was in the wrong over the dinner SNAFU?
AJ: Whenever there is tension between department heads, it's always awkward. Especially in this case, when it's between the chef and chief stew, who have to work so closely together. I like to always try and see both sides, but in this situation it is very clear that Leon is solely responsible for this mix up. I'm still confused why he started cooking a meal, when he knew guests were off the boat site seeing. I'm realizing more and more Leon is more comfortable running this galley like a restaurant instead of providing the guests with an incredible culinary experience tailored to their needs while aboard a mega yacht. Were you surprised Rocky was able to step up as a stew?
AJ: Was I surprised she was able to? No. Was I surprised she did step up? Somewhat. Rocky is a very talented individual. She is smart, and I have total faith that she can accomplish whatever she puts her mind to. I mean, look at her background: Olympic diving coach, certified ski instructor, surf guide, and yoga instructor...just to name a few of the jobs she has conquered.
The thing with Rocky -- it has to be her choice, on her terms, and in her own time. Unfortunately, with a busy charter season, time is one thing we don't have a lot of. We can take time to show her how to succeed as a stew, but ultimately it is up to Rocky to decide if she is going to do the job or not. I know that her lack of experience has been a frustration all around, but I'm so pleased to see Rocky make some progress in the stew department, even if it's baby steps... What were you thinking when Dane was going to go into the hot tub with the guests?
AJ: Bless his heart... My first thought was, "You have got to be kidding me, right?" But once I realized he was serious about getting in the hot tub with guests, I knew we had our hands full with our new deckhand.