AC: What celebrity, John Slattery, do you want to pee on? If you could pee on a celebrity…
JS: Rashida Jones.
RF: Ramona, stop swigging on the pinot grigio. Put the pinot down! I’m getting off the Ramona coaster.
AC: Who is hotter in person, McSteamy or McDreamy?
LD: God, they are both pretty hot, I have to admit. McSteamy I think. It’s that silver hair, you know?
RM: I think if Hillary Clinton is trying to thwart speculation by being seen drinking beers in Colombian bars, I am way more excited about that prospect than I was before about her campaign.
RL: I have known [Kathy Griffin] probably since the early '90s. We actually dated the same guy. We definitely slept with the same guy.