34 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You 1009616634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Another early photo of Tom judging. In this case he is clearly judging the photographer! 1009617134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You It's not just chefs that Tom judges, he occasionally critiques baskets of onions, too! 1009617634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You This isn't the first bowl of risotto Tom's evaluated -- and it won't be the last. 1009618134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Ever since he was a young chef in a white coat, Tom has been judging you. Just look at that face! 1009642634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You A very attitude-filled judgmental glare. 1009643134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Sometimes an assessment comes out more effective when you use your hands. 1009643634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You One person Tom hasn't judged yet is Andy! He looks thrilled to see him hiding in the walk-in! 1009644134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom patiently waiting for the chefs to impress him (which we know will result in a judgement). 1009646134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You That is a full-on death stare if we've ever seen one! 1009649134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom is a man who makes sure he analyzes every last tiny bite of food. Each grain of rice will meet his fierce critical lens. 1009838134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Sometimes Tom's face so accurately conveys "You keep talking, I'll keep judging" 1009838634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Life is rough for Tom, he has to hold plates of food and stand while everyone else is sitting -- all while judging his surroundings! 1009839134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You This is Tom's "Don't Mess With Me" face. 1009839634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You We can't think of a more intimidating sight than Tom Colicchio leaning forward, staring right into your eyes. 1009840134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You No man can intimidate Tom, not even a cheftestant that is nearly double his height. 1009840634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom might be wearing a baseball hat, but he's not playing any games! Even when he's rocking a casual look away from Judges Table he is judging you! 1009841134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Even Padma's bright smile can't outshine Tom's speculative glare at the chefs. 1009841634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Ice blue eyes, ice blue jacket, and and ice cold stare into the souls of every chef in the room. 1009842634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Who is Tom judging here? The camera man of course. He wants to make sure that he is showing his good side! 1009843134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom finds himself a comfortable spot to settle in the Top Chef kitchen to analyze all that is going on and form his opinions. 1009843634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You What do you think Tom is thinking here? Maybe that there isn't enough soda? Maybe judging which soda will have to back up its knives and go home? 1009844134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom with his partner in crime, Emeril. The dynamic duo show off what their ultimate job as judges is -- to name the next Top Chef. 1009844634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You As the judges discuss who is going home, Tom is deep in thought pondering all the criticisms he's made today. 1009845134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You What do you think the judges were looking at? Whatever it is, Tom has definitely made some opinions about it. 1009845634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom's poker face is on point -- every god judge knows you form an opinion while forming a smirk! That way the cheftestants never see what's coming. 1009846134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom carefully analyzing what Padma has to say. What would a good judge be if he didn't judge his fellow judges? 1009846634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You It certainly doesn't look like Tom agrees with what his fellow judges are saying. 1009847134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Once again, the poker-face-smirk look never fails. 1009847634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Is Tom judging something here, or simply befuddled by what he's been giving to eat? If we had to judge, we'd say it's the later. 1058932134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom leans in, to best get a handle on what he's passing judgement on. 1058932634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You There is no sterner image than Tom Colicchio behind the judges table. 1058933634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Tom waits for Padma to finish before offering his own words of wisdom. But what will they be? Phrases of friendship or judgment? 1058934134 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You In this photo the light casts right to Tom -- ensuring his judgment is on full, glorious display. 1058934634 Times Tom Colicchio Was Judging You Don't let that casual finger on the cheek fool you, he's letting his head rest -- not his relentless judgement. 5 photos Next GalleryTom Colicchio Previous Pause Next 1 of 34