Once upon a time this season Ramona and LuAnn were on the most terrible of terms. And thus a tete-a-tete in Central Park resulted in us finding out more about Ramona's manicure habits and LuAnn wondering what R had in her "pinot-filled hat." How would a hat full of wine even work?!?
Be honest: you deeply wished that you too could intern for Sonja after seeing the legion of lucky interns at her disposal.
The Top 15 Moments of RHONY Season 5
Ramona is always full of questions, so it was no surprise that when Aviva revealed her prosthetic to her that she had a lot of things to ask about what sort of shoes she could wear, her swimming habits, etc. etc.
Who would have thought this season would have not one but two bizarre odd musical moments. Behold Cara Quici's oddly erotic debut at Aviva and George's anniversary party.
The Top 15 Moments of RHONY Season 5
What is there to say about George that this clip or this clip or even this clip doesn't accurately convey. God bless you sir.
Turns out that saying "my dog was sick" is not a viable reason to miss Aviva's fundraiser -- unless you want a fight like this to erupt.
The Top 15 Moments of RHONY Season 5
We're not happy that Aviva and Ramonja got into such a massive fight that Aviva called the gals "white trash." But we are happy that it resulted in the women waking up and searching for what exactly white trash meant.
Just because we've all been there, we had to include this moment of Sonja feeling less than amazing, and the Countess comforting her in her time of need.
The Top 15 Moments of RHONY Season 5
Cast members of The Real Housewives of New York seen in St. Barths while filming Season 5 episode 13. Pictured here: Sonja Morgan, Luann Del Lesseps, Ramona Singer, Carole Radziwill, Heather Thomson and Pirate.
Credit: Bravo
The Top 15 Moments of RHONY Season 5
Has a tagline ever shined so much since Heather Thomson first utter "holla"? Wethinks not.