Poker Face 9708301Poker Face Jacqueline brings in the big guns to deal with Ashlee. 9708306Poker Face Ashlee sees herself out. 9708311Poker Face Lauren gets serious about weight loss. 9708316Poker Face The pizza business just wasn't for Joe. 9708321Poker Face Rich gives Joseph some life lessons about business. 9708326Poker Face Albie says goodbye to his dear cousin, Ke$ha. 9708331Poker Face It's bring Gino to work day. 9708336Poker Face Life's good when you can leave buildings to your kids. 9708341Poker Face Jacqueline's such a baller. 9708346Poker Face The Wakiles brought dessert of course. 9708351Poker Face Surprise! 9708356Poker Face Party's here. 9708361Poker Face Teresa makes an apology for the book. 9708366Poker Face Hard to say how it was received. 9708371Poker Face Kiss for good luck 9708376Poker Face Teresa has entered the building. 9708381Poker Face Joe gets a very, um, revealing message. 9708386Poker Face Melissa puts her studio to good use. 9708391Poker Face The Manzo bros stop by for some steak with Joe. 9708396Poker Face Teresa loves her fans. 9708401Poker Face Drinks? Yes please. 9708406Poker Face Melissa's got a surprise for Joe. 9708411Poker Face Looks like Joe enjoyed the song. 12 photos Next GalleryPunta Cana Party People Previous Pause Next 1 of 23