15 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs 987051615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs With Brad and Gretchen, Giggy couldn't resist sharing fashion tips for life in the warm Southern California sun. 987052115 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Eddie meets America's other canine star, Uggie (from the Oscar-winning film 'The Artist.') Both wore tuxes! 987052615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Gerard Butler love him some Gigster. (Brandi Glaville will be jealous!) 987053115 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs As Jane Lynch and Taylor Armstrong fight over jeans, Giggy looks on at their childishness with dismay. 987053615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Kathy Griffin? Andy Cohen? Just another day in paradise. 987054115 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Giggy was wide awake for his cuddle session with Miss Universe. 987054615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Giggy: be careful of the gossip you share with the Queen of All Media, Perez Hilton! 987055115 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Funny man Ross Mathews takes a break to meet the Gigolo. 987055615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Outside 30 Rock, Alec Baldwin warms up to Giggy before facing the Manhattan winter cold. 987056115 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Quick break from the celebrities, folks! Giggy needs a touch-up. 987056615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Mario Lopez and a kissing fan! Giggy is not amused by all this attention. 987057115 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Giggy is always happy to get some time away from the crowd with Andy Cohen. 987057615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Lance is a Giggy fan, and Giggy is an *NSYNC fan. It all works out. 987058115 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Giggy and the Donald talk real estate (Giggy's an expert on Beverly Hills living.) 987091615 Must-See Photos of Giggy with Celebs Drake takes a moment to sit back and get Giggy with it. 17 photos Next GalleryRHOBH's Best Spring Looks Previous Pause Next 1 of 15