Apollo Takes It Off! 9872841Apollo Takes It Off! Serving six-pack realness 9872846Apollo Takes It Off! Oh to be that lint brush... 9872851Apollo Takes It Off! Cynthia tests the goods. 9872856Apollo Takes It Off! Sultry 9872861Apollo Takes It Off! Even more sultry 9872866Apollo Takes It Off! The board really helps you focus on those abs. 9872871Apollo Takes It Off! Turning on the boy next door charm 9872876Apollo Takes It Off! Eyes up here! 9872881Apollo Takes It Off! Who wouldn't smile if they looked like that without a shirt? 9872886Apollo Takes It Off! Yes please! 9872891Apollo Takes It Off! We'd clap too if our husband was that fine. 9872896Apollo Takes It Off! Apollo's abs are totally photobombing the pic. 9872901Apollo Takes It Off! A look of far off wonderment 9872906Apollo Takes It Off! Showing off the softer side of that hard body 9872911Apollo Takes It Off! Look at him bench that donkey booty. 9872916Apollo Takes It Off! Father and son shirtless time 9872921Apollo Takes It Off! There are so many shirtless men in Phaedra's life. 47 photos Next GalleryThe Lost Photos of RHOA Season 5 Previous Resume Next 1 of 17Apollo Takes It Off! Serving six-pack realness