Champagne wishes and caviar dreams are one thing, but that's not competitive enough. When GG said she knew the difference between Cristal and Dom, Reza was only sort of right about her taste ("I'll put a little seltzer water and a little pee pee in the glass and give it to her and she'll think it's Dom."), with Sammy winning the night's top honors.
It's hard to pick our favorite thing about Asa. Her music Her love of diamond water? Her self proclaimed status as an intergalactic Persian priestess? Why choose? We love it all.
Best Moments of the Season
What you didn't give your friend a colonic for their birthday?
Best Moments of the Season
Girls' night went a touch off the rails when Asa's friend Sunny tried to step up to GG. The result was a pretty straight-forward accusation that GG was "not a nice person" and another botched me with this brood.
Best Moments of the Season
Things got real when Reza reconnected with his estranged father in New York. After working through their religious differences, his dad admitted his failings and these guys made up for good. Tear.
Best Moments of the Season
Sammy's blind date for MJ was a little less than (they had previously dated). Also, he was maybe a touch handsy. . .leading her to flee into the night.. So great match, basically.
Best Moments of the Season
Reza found his paradise by the dashboard light, as he hit on all manner of NYC's finest on the drive to his family dinner. MJ did not approve.