Judging by the way she is greeted by her guests, Dr. Heavenly is highly regarded in the medical community!
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Who needs color coordination when your this good looking? Lisa Nicole and Dr. Darren are doing it for the gods in red and green!
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Even Dr. Whitmore got decked for Heavenly's party -- now if only she and Dr. Heavenly had gotten along a little better.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Heavenly and Damon observe how happy everyone at their party is. And we know she's happy if her man is happy.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Toya is killing it in that ruffled dress -- and she's ready to kill anyone that gives any more "booty action" to her man.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Mariah and her man channel some 'Dirty Dancing' moves, and Old Hollywood feather boas.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Doing shows! Lisa's amazing bod, amazing hair, and amazing dress stood out among the cocktail party guests.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
We're not pointing any fingers, but these facial expressions look like there might be some drama about to go down.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Heavenly wasn't 100 percent ready for this photo. Will someone get her a refill?
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
So much going on in one photo! The feather boa, the highest bun we've seen, and some strategically placed petals.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
It sure was a night to remember, but a few extra photos are always good just in case.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
Cocktail parties are very serious to Heavenly and her husband.
The Queen Bees Hit Dr. Heavenly's Party
The ladies sit down to discuss when is the appropriate time to talk about the dangers of obesity. Sadly it doesn't seem like this party or the bowling alley was the right time or the place.