Episode 4: Off to London 5 photos Next GalleryEpisode 3: Best Quotes! 9432186Emily lays down the law with Vorhees 9432191 9432196 9432201Kelly checks in with Ava before jetting off 9432206Helicopter time! 9432211Kelly gets into the spirit at the Alternative Apparel party 9432216Emily gets out of the city for the Alternative Apparel party too 9432221Andrew shows off his Britney tattoos 9432226Kelly returns to NYC and it's back to business as usual! 9432231Off to the Jonas Brothers! 9432236Vorhees suspects something's up... 9432241Packing for London with a little help from Ava, Andrew, and Stefanie 9432246Awww! 9432251Andrew has a mini-meltdown 9432256Meet Ava's daddy! 9432261Reunion in London! 9432266Stefanie helps hold down the People's Rev fort 9432271Andrew's hard at work 9432276Kelly and Henry Holland show some love for each other 9432281Andrew AKA Tan-drew... 9432286Showtime! Previous Pause Next 1 of 21