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The Daily Dish Food and Drinks

Glow-in-the-Dark Donuts Now Exist, and They're Actually Pretty Awesome

Cronuts are so 2013—the new must-have donut is one that glows under black light.


By Drew DiSabatino

Great rule of thumb: don’t eat any food that glows on its own. Because best case scenario, it was made with some sort of weird/questionable additive that the FDA probably doesn’t know about; and worst case scenario, it’s going to turn you into some kind of radioactive mutant.

But of course, there are always exceptions to every rule, and the latest happens to be the surprisingly all-natural, glow-in-the-dark donut.

Feast your eyes and behold!

The creation comes from Black Star Pastry—previously of Strawberry Watermelon Cake fame—an Australian bakery owned by Christopher Thé. The Daily Mail reports that Thé developed the glowing pastry for the Vivid Festival, an annual event in Sydney featuring a mix of art, technology, and commerce. Thé says that the idea for the galactic treat emerged during last year’s Vivid Festival, explaining, “Just the thought of people eating glow-in-the-dark food at the world famous Vivid Festival of light was an amazing challenge we just couldn't resist.”

As we mentioned before, the great thing about these donuts is that Thé and company have managed to create their dazzling desserts without relying on artificial ingredients: the yuzu glaze icing gets all of its shimmer from a sturdy dose of vitamin B. The donuts are available for $7 each at the Vivid Festival through June 17, and can even be paired with an equally cool glowing white chocolate drink.

If you’re thinking, “Hey, this sounds great, but shouldn’t these treats have a better name than 'Glow-In-The-Dark Donut,’” we regret to inform you that it does:


And while that name seems fitting for describing the product, it also seems fitting as an Urban Dictionary name for a club drug and/or for someone who’s addicted to attending desert (dessert?) raves.

So, if it’s cool with you, we’ll just keep calling them glow-in-the-dark donuts.

At least for now.

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