Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler 10858855Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler OMG, we are fanning out to Eddie Redmayne and Dan Fogler from #FantasticBeasts 10858856Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler Eddie = adorable and hot in one perfect being. 10858857Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler Behind the Clubhouse bar, it's two of our own staff and huge fans, Demi and Nick! 10858858Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler It's a Harry Potter themed spelling bee! Wee! 10858859Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler It's Shotski time, Shotski time, Shotski Shotski Shotski time! 10858860Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler Eddie looks at something but we wish he were looking at us! 10858861Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler Dan and Eddie must have had so much fun on set! 10858862Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler Dan talks about J.K. Rowling. 10858863Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler The guys engage in playful banter. 10858864Eddie Redmayne & Dan Fogler The After Show is always fun! 10 photos Next GalleryBryant Gumbel & Ali Wentworth Previous Pause Next 1 of 10