Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara 10694741Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Nice to have Jerry back in the Clubhouse and to have Dermot here too! 10694746Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Dermot looks as handsome as he did in "My Best Friend's Wedding," don't you think? 10694751Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Dermot talks about Julia Roberts! 10694756Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Jerry won employee of the month three times when he worked at Boston Market! 10694761Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Clubhouse Playhouse time! Andy dons a Julia Roberts wig! 10694766Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Wednesdays are always better with a Shotski! 10694771Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Over at the Clubhouse bar, it's Natalie Uhling & Keoni Hudoba from Radius Fitness! 10694776Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara Jerry talks about Deflate-gate and Tom Brady. 10694781Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara It's Game Time! Let's face the facts! 10694791Dermot Mulroney & Jerry Ferrara It's the small victories! 10 photos Next GalleryVanessa Hudgens, Kellan Lutz Previous Pause Next 1 of 10