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Monique: The Car Accident Was a Real Wakeup Call to Me

"I was completely exhausted and running off of fumes!"

By Monique Samuels
Monique Samuels Falls Asleep Behind the Wheel

BravoTV.com: What did you think about Charrisse asking if Candiace’s mom bought her wedding ring? Was it a shady bitch moment?
Monique Samuels: When Charrisse asked Candiace if her mom purchased her wedding ring, I knew it was innocent fun. Charrisse wasn’t trying to be shady. It was evident that she was making a joke based on the fact that Candiace’s mom does a lot for her.

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I thought the joke was hilarious. It reminds me of how me and my close girlfriends joke together — it’s never meant to be harmful but to make light of the given situation. My only concern was that if Candiace took offense to this, she should’ve made it known at that very moment.

BravoTV.com: The car accident sounds so scary – tell us about that experience and how you were feeling going into the trip.
MS: The car accident was a real wakeup call for me. I’m a very hands-on mom, and I’m accustomed to handling everything on my own. The accident taught me to slow down and seek help when I need it, and even remove things from my plate. For two weeks leading up to the accident, Chris was in training camp with his football team. He had to leave the house every morning around 6 AM and didn’t return until close to 8 PM at night. I’d start my mornings at 5 AM to get myself dressed. Then I’d get the kids dressed and ready for school, and I’d drop them off. I’d handle my meetings, errands and appointments while they were in school up until it was time to pick them up. I would then come home to spend time with my babies, get them fed, bathed and put to bed and prep the house for the next day. At this hour, I would work on writing my Not For Lazy Moms articles and do research as I was laying the foundation for my new business venture or handle late conference calls with the charitable organization I partner with. My bedtime would be around midnight every night and then up again at 5 AM.

Coincidentally, the day of the accident was Chris’s last day of camp, and my sister flew in town the same day to help with the kids. I was completely exhausted and running off of fumes! For me, the trip was a chance to get away and let my hair down with my girlfriends without the responsibilities of kids, work or business planning. I needed this getaway more than anyone in this group!

BravoTV.com: What do you think about the ladies' comments about “Drunk Monique"? 
MS: I had no problems with the “Drunk Monique” comments because she is fun! After everything I had been through over the past few weeks from a miscarriage, to physically moving boxes and packing and unpacking, working on my new business Not For Lazy Moms, all of my charitable work and partnerships, trying to find and train a nanny to putting my kids in school, leaving me very few hours to handle work and appointments, I needed a day to be free!

I thought the point of a girls' trip was to unwind and enjoy each other, not to judge someone over a few drinks as if they’ve never been drunk before. I haven’t had girl time like this in a long time, and I wanted to enjoy every second of it. It’s like the women purposely sit back and watch you enjoy yourself so they can pick you apart.

It's Candiace vs. Gizelle in the Biggest Clash Yet of #RHOP Season 3

BravoTV.com: What’s your take on this battle between Candiace, Charrise, and Gizelle? What are your thoughts about the whole argument in the car and lunch?
MS: I honestly thought that Candiace was over Charrisse and Gizelle’s comments. When Ashley and I spoke to her the day we went shopping, I stressed to Candiace that she needed to let the comments go since she did laugh along, and next time that she felt any shade coming her way, she should address it right then and there. I had no idea Candiace was still bothered — otherwise, I would have never brought it up.

I personally needed a break from drama and really wanted to enjoy our girls’ trip. I had no interest in the conversation on the bus or at lunch; I was enjoying my food and trying to tune them out! It was like Christopher and Milani arguing over who took the other’s toy!

BravoTV.com: What do you think about Ashley saying you hoped that Candiace would clash with Gizelle, not your friend Charrisse?
MS: I have no idea what Ashley is talking about. I’ve never tried to stir up anything between Candiace and Gizelle, nor have I told Candiace to pick a fight with her. I actually gave her advice to do the opposite. I told Candiace not to pick fights or look for issues with any of the ladies, but if they come for her, handle it right away.

Ashley should focus on her mommy issues instead of creating more issues for the group.

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