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Karen Huger: Who Is Katie?

Karen replies to Katie's Grand Dame of Potomac comment and weighs in on working at Taco Bell.

By Karen Huger
“Who Is Andrew With A Missing Digit?”

Bravotv.com: Katie says you’re not the Grande Dame of Potomac – what do you say to that?  

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Karen Huger: Katie, Katie Katie...does not have the authority to say who or who is not the Grand Dame. For that matter, who is Katie? I'm not quite sure if Katie is an authority on anything other than her mindless rants. We all have opinions and Katie is entitled to hers and we've all seen how quite delusional they can be from time to time. I have no idea where all this new take on the "Grand Dame" chatter from camp Katie is coming from nor do I care. My title was bestowed upon me long before Katie came into the picture and it's never been questioned and she can't have it! Can we say jealous much Katie? My advice to Katie would be to stay in her "bubble of love", she looks sooo pretty there. Katie's focus would be better served focusing on the Rost Foundation.

Bravotv.com: Tell us about the missing digit comment – what do you think about the ladies' and Andy's reaction?

KH: Andrew calling me "old and haggard", me pointing out his missing digit...both statements were insensitive, harmful and unnecessary comments; which at the end of the day thankfully brought smiles to many faces, including Andy and all my girls on the couch.

Bravotv.com: Tell us about Andy calling you out for your "classic Housewives fake apology."

KH: When Andy (The Reality TV God Himself) called me out for my very own "classic Housewives fake apology" I thought YES I have arrived!

Karen Huger Worked at Taco Bell?

Bravotv.com: What were you thinking defending yourself against the ‘help’ comment. Did you really work at Taco bell – and can you tell us about that experience?

KH: I am so proud to say I was the help. My first job was actually at Burger King. I was slamming burgers at the tender age of 16. I later worked for Taco Bell at the drive thru window. While both jobs were short lived I learned that there's nothing wrong with an honest day's work at any station in life. Both Robyn and Gizelle could have spoken to me directly about this matter instead of waiting four months and until we were sitting on the couch with Andy to make their "bones". Can we all say "lousy game plan"? This girl works, this girl was the help. In the art of war one should know ALL the facts before attacking, otherwise you look like dumb and dumber.

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