Tamra Judge Tried the Keto Diet Until She Got Sick From It: "It Doesn't Work"
The Real Housewives of Orange County bodybuilder Tamra Judge bailed on the Keto diet and never looked back.

Tamra Judge is all about working on her fitness — and that means she's open to experimenting with various diets to maintain top fighting form. So The Real Housewives of Orange County pal was open to joining the endless parade of celebrities on Keto — but it wasn't long before she joined the group of those who bailed on the Ketogenic diet that some others swear by.
She was on board for about a month, Tamra recently revealed to The Feast, "until I got sick. They say there’s this Keto flu you get, and I just I fell off the Keto wagon." (The Keto flu is real — just ask Katie Couric, who experienced it too.)
So yes, Tamra tried Keto — but no, she wasn't sold. In fact, like many health and nutrition professionals — and like Andy Cohen, who thinks Keto is just "dumb" — Tamra has serious doubts: "It concerns me."
"OK, so here's my thoughts on it," she told The Feast. "I’m sure it works, but I cannot wrap my brain around eating that much fat. Bad fat — cheese, sour cream, butter, all that stuff. So, I like to do the good fats — like I’ll do the avocado, but I’m not gonna drown my eggs in butter and throw the cheese of top of it. Just — I can’t."
Tamra's well aware of the wide obsession with the diet trend (who isn't?) but it just strikes her as outside the realm of logic. "It just doesn’t make any sense to me because it’s just not healthy eating," she told us. "So I worry more about what it’s gonna do for, like, your heart, your cholesterol, and things like that. So I pretty much stick to a similar diet, but I just don’t go for the bad fat."
Here's the main thing about Keto, according to Tamra: "The problem is it doesn’t work. You have to put your body in Ketosis and if you don’t, then you’re just eating a s---load of calories. You have to put your body into Ketosis for it to work, and then you burn the fat. But if you’re eating carbohydrates with that and sugar — all you’re doing is eating a whole lot of calories. You know what? It's not gonna work. I think people don’t quite understand how the Keto diet works."
-Reporting by Joecelyn Vena
Any health-related information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, or before embarking on any diet, exercise, or wellness program.