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Agreeing to Disagree With Heather

Alexis wants Heather to understand she mad about more than Costa Rica and wants Gretchen to do what Tamra wants.

By Alexis Bellino

Whewy! What a busy week! I am officially exhausted. Happy 51st Birthday to the love of my life, Jimmy! Here is a picture from his party! Since we celebrated his 50th birthday in Sonoma, I decided to I bring Sonoma to the O.C. for his 51st. Happy Birthday Boo. 

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County on Thursdays at 9/8c and next day on Peacock. Catch up on the Bravo App.


Also, happy Father's Day to all of you incredible men who sacrifice so much for your children and families. Billy Graham once said, "A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." Be sure to praise and notice your father or husband this week! Last but not least, it was also Tamra's wedding this weekend, so CONGRATULATIONS to her and Eddie. What a beautiful, heartfelt, FUN wedding and reception!

So now on to this week's episode. The scene with Vicki and Tamra was so comical! I chuckle at the relationship between these two. They remind me of the Three Stooges, only there are two of them. I understand their dynamic so much more after four years of being around them. They break up and get back together more than a high school couple, but that works for them. It's refreshing seeing these two getting along and working well together instead of calling each other names. The wine names are very clever and cute and I'm truly happy for their Wines by Wives.

I was surprised and a little leery that Heather wanted to meet. Hearing her say that hopefully we can have an intelligent conversation was exactly what I was thinking -- since the last time we were together she held her ears and sang "la la la la la."

Heather and Alexis Come Face to Face

I didn't know what to expect at coffee, but I wanted to move on and replace all the negative energy in my life with positivity. I wanted to hear her side, and I wanted to be heard, but I wanted to be treated with respect during it. The conversation went around in circles for a while, and we definitely did not see eye-to-eye on several topics. Many of our disagreements involve timelines and factors that are nearly impossible to prove.

However, the main point I was trying to get across during coffee was that it wasn't the isolated incident in Costa Rica that hurt my feelings so badly. It was the entire season of hearing Heather insult me or gossip about me to the other ladies or in her interviews. Once I realized this wasn't happening, I knew the old adage "let's agree to disagree" was the premise of our conversation. I honestly just wanted a sincere apology for my feelings being so hurt on several occasions. Regardless, I am very happy to say that we have both put the past behind us, and Heather and I are in a better place now.

When Lydia told me about the salsa party I was SO excited! Dancing and costumes? PERFECT! I was sad Jim couldn't go, but I was excited to get some girl time with Vicki. Almost immediately the party went a little south with Slade saying Lydia needed to eat a cheeseburger. After watching the scene, I do think Slade was joking and not intentionally trying to hurt Lydia's feelings. However, once he discovered her feelings were hurt, he didn't apologize or have compassion, which is why I think the situation escalated instead of fizzling out. Let me just say that I hang with Lydia often and that chick eats! I wish I had her waistline with her diet. . .shhh. Any of us would gladly take her metabolism!

Lydia Goes for Slade

I loved seeing Brooks surprise Vicki, although we all know Vicki hates surprises. It was written all over her face. The gossip that Lauri delivers this episode is so devastating and hurtful that I wish it would have been done in private. I definitely think Vicki should know if there are FACTS, but I would hate to ruin someone's life or relationship on hearsay.


Dancing was so much fun!!! I didn't have a date, so I was partners with the dance instructor, which totally rocked because it was like my own private dance lesson! I liked the idea of all of us switching partners and it showed that we can all let the past go for a moment of fun.

It was interesting that Gretchen was so concerned with me attending Tamra's dress shopping excursion. Gretchen said I have been talking smack on Tamra for the past nine months, but let's clarify: I was simply DEFENDING myself for the past nine months to B.S. that Tamra had said about me and my husband. I wasn't gossiping or spreading rumors about Tamra. I really hate even discussing this now because Tamra and I have worked through all of those issues. I am only bringing it up because Gretchen was delivering false information. For Gretchen to try to sway Tamra to dis-invite me, I felt she was being jealous and territorial. The sad part is this day is suppose to be a happy day where Tamra is the focus, but it seems Gretchen always has the uncanny gift of making it about herself, even on Tamra's wedding dress day. Well, we must all wait until next week to see what happens.

It's the kids last week of school. YAY! Momma gets to sleep in. Oops, did I say that? LOL! I know I will be burning some of my kids energy at Sky Zone, so if your kids need to get the wiggles out too, be sure to book your visit online because we do often sell out: or

I love all the new summer maxis in my new Alexis by Tal Sheyn line and they are perfect for the beach, so visit!

Most importantly, I love chatting with all of you, so until next week you can keep in touch with me on:
Facebook: Alexis Bellino Verified Profile
Twitter: @alexisbellino
Instagram: @alexis_bellino

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