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The Keough Brothers

Bravo talks with Jeana's two sons, Shane and Colton Keough, about O.C. living.

By Kara Keough


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We caught up with the Keough brothers, Shane and Colton, as they were gearing up for the premiere party for Season 2 of "Real Housewives of Orange County." Here's what they had to say:


Bravotv.com: What's your relationship to the dogs?
The only relationship I have to the dogs is with our dog Scout. The other two dogs, I can't stand. It's a big dobie, and it's my dog, and that's the one that I care about. I liked Shire too. Shire was our first dog, when we moved into the new house, she grew up here with us. So that was sad when she died.

Bravotv.com: You're in a house with two other siblings, and there's a lot of chasing. How do you get along with Kara and Colton?
We get along better than we used to, now that we're older and not so much in each other's faces all the time, it's a better relationship for everyone.

Bravotv.com: Do you feel like that relationship is accurately portrayed on the show?
Yeah, sometimes, you know. There's a lot of quarrels that they get, but for the most part, things go pretty fine.

Bravotv.com: What are the main misconceptions that people have about people who live in Orange County?
I don't know -- that people out here are nothing but money, that there's nothing underneath.

Bravotv.com: You're on your way to being a professional athlete, right?
I signed with the Athletics in June, but I had a spinal fracture for a while. But I'm healthy now, starting rehab and stuff. It's better.

Bravotv.com: What are you up to today?
I'm picking up a friend from the airport, and then I'm going to get some lunch. And then everyone is coming over to hang out before the show premiere. There's the party tonight, and everyone's going to hang out here before they go over to see it.

Bravotv.com: Good talking to you, Shane. Have a good time tonight.


Bravotv.com: What's your relationship like with your siblings?
I'm way closer with Kara than with Shane. We're just more ... we've always been closer. Three times a week after school, we'll just hang out and talk, you know, "How are you? How's your day going?" She's more involved with my life and girls. You know, "What girls do you like? Who are you dating now?" She'll ask me that and tell me, you know, "so and so likes you" and that sort of thing. She's always been closer to me. I never really had anyone to talk to, because both of my parents worked. It always sort of fit in that Kara was there. And she was more caring than Shane. (laughs)

Bravotv.com: What's the age difference between the three of you?
Kara is four years older and Shane is six years older.

Bravotv.com: There's a lot of talk about the family dogs in this episode. Which ones are you close with?
Well, Scout is like my big baby. He'll sit down and watch movies with me. He'll hang out in my room when I'm on the computer, watching tv. He'll hang out next to me. Mo kind of hates everyone except my mom.

Bravotv.com: Which is funny because your mom doesn't seem to like Mo very much.
Yeah, nobody seems to like Mo. He just walks around biting people's feet and barking at you. He's a mean dog. He's like, retarded and mean. He walks under your feet and tries to trip you. And then if you step on him, he barks and bites and attacks you. Yeah. He's a mean dog.

Bravotv.com: You're following in the family footsteps with the baseball.
I'm trying to. That's the plan. It's going really good, actually. I just got back from hitting. I literally just put my bags down. I'm hitting every day with my dad. Every Sunday I go to Compton to work out with the minor league players and my brother.

Bravotv.com: What do you think the most common misconception about life in "The O.C." is?
That everyone's rich and everyone has fancy cars. Not everyone is. The average family is pretty wealthy, but there's also a good portion of people who live here who just happen to live here. They're just as well-off as anyone else, they just happen to live here. And if you are rich, everyone assumes that you're also spoiled. And a lot of the rich kids I know AREN'T spoiled.

Bravotv.com: Well, thanks for talking to us Colton. Have a good one.
You, too.

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