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Vicki Gunvalson: I Have Analyzed Our Fights Upside Down

"I’m tired of being blamed by her for things that she is guilty of."

By Vicki Gunvalson
What Does Vicki Gunvalson Think of Peggy Sulahian?

I’m glad that Kelly took her mom to the senior center to encourage her to get out and socialize with other people who are her age. I remember my mother saying that was something she could look forward to going to, as it got her out of the house and a reason to dress up. My mom used to play bridge at least four days a week, and I think that is what kept her brain so sharp and a reason to get up and go out and have a social life. I hope she continues to go.

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Orange County on Peacock and Bravo.

Moving my Coto Financial office was a huge task, and I’m happy to say it’s all done, and it looks fabulous. The new office is very efficient, has the top of the line technology, and I just love working there. I ended up donating most of my old office’s furniture as it was dark and outdated, and the new furniture is very stylish in the gray and tan tones. I can’t wait to show you the finished outcome in the next few weeks.

My conversation with Mike about “sex” was awkward. I don’t even know why we got on that subject, but from what I remember, I was asking him about his commitment to his new girlfriend and if they were planning on marriage and babies. I know he will make an excellent father and husband, but I really don’t think they are ready yet for that commitment as they are having so much fun living in San Diego.

I don’t know about you, but I found it very interesting how Tamra wants to “move forward with Kelly and to forgive her,” but she won’t with me. After all we have been through, I have tried my best to move forward and be the bigger person and basically kiss her a** and she won’t. I was shocked when she told Kelly that she gets over things quickly and wants to move on and not look back. Who is she kidding?! She never does this. She stays in the past and she continues to and likes conflict. Personally, I think she knows that she can’t bully Kelly like the way she has me and that’s why she’s trying to apologize and move on from their bumpy past.

I have analyzed our fights upside down, and she never takes accountability for what she has done to contribute to this conflict we have had the past few years. Our recent fight happened because she went up to Kelly and asked, “Has Vicki ever told you about the rumor of Eddie being gay?” Kelly shook her head yes. Now, why would Tamra go up to Kelly on a bus ride in Ireland asking her that if she didn’t hear the same rumor herself. And why would she be upset with me because of this “rumor”? Kelly had already heard it, as well as most of Orange County and LA! Why would she be mad at me? Kelly and I had this conversation privately, and she already knew of this rumor. I’m tired of being blamed by her for things that she is guilty of. She talks about people behind their back all the time but blows up when anyone talks about her. It’s a double standard.

Peggy Physically Shuts Meghan's Mouth

I really had a nice time at Peggy and Diko’s Lambo car unveiling party. Peggy looked so beautiful, and so did her husband and daughters. They are a great family, and I love being around them. I loved when Peggy closed Meghan’s lips shut when Meghan wanted to bring up Ireland’s fights last year. It was not the time or the place, and it was over a year ago. What was her motive? Now that deserves a “woohoo.” How dare Meghan tell me to be humble. She is the furthest thing from knowing what being humble is.

Hope you all are enjoying your summer and taking time to do the things you love. Wishing you all lots of health and happiness. Don’t forget to visit my website at www.vickigunvalson.com and let me know what you think of the new site. I’ve been working hard on it to make it easier to navigate.

Don’t forget to visit www.cotoinsurance.com for all your life insurance needs.

Vicki Gunvalson
Follow me on Instagram @vickigunvalson.


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