Lydia McLaughlin: Becoming a Spartan
"I felt like the race was an adventure and fun challenge with Doug, so I figured I had nothing to lose."

Arooooo! This week Doug (@ocDoug) and I headed to Las Vegas to do the Spartan Race with Eddie and Tamra. I had told Tamra I would do the race with her after knowing 0% of what it entailed. As the day approached and I Googled it, I got more than a little nervous!
Doug and I work out together three times a week so I knew we both were in good shape. I also know I'm mentally strong. And with Doug by my side I would be able to do anything I put my mind to. However, I was still nervous. I have never done a race of any kind and I am terrified of heights.
I felt like the race was an adventure and fun challenge with Doug, so I figured I had nothing to lose. When Tamra had first invited me, I had assumed Shannon would be there as well. Even if she didn't do the race, I knew David was super into it and thought she would at least come to cheer us all on. I really wanted to form a friendship with her, as I know Tamra and Shannon are so close. I love Tamra and wanted to be Shannon’s friend as well.
I know every marriage is different, and I don't want to assume I understand the ins and outs of David and Shannon’s relationship... However, if my best friend and husband were doing a race, I would be there. I would want to support them and cheer them on.

I have three small kids and it is very hard for me to leave them. Even going on a dinner date, just getting out of the house and having to say goodbye is always a struggle. Seeing Maverick cry as Doug and I were leaving definitely pulled on my heart strings, but he is my sensitive soul. He gets sad when I leave for the gym so this wasn't super unusual for him. He watched the scene with me and laughed and thought he was funny. I'm glad he wasn't right and Doug and I came home healthy and proud of our accomplishment. We both got a metal for completing the race and we gave it to our boys, which they have hanging in their room.
I think it's important to show my kids adventure and different aspects of life. I hope I'm a good example to them of facing fears and trying new things. I want them to have fun marriages where they go on adventures with their spouses and who knows, really even swim in lakes with crocodiles. I guess then, I'll be the one crying!
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