Heather: It’s Nice to Be Back to Normal With Luann
Heather reveals why she's so proud to know both Carole and Dorinda.

Who doesn’t like a good spicy margarita? Bethenny’s new cocktail didn’t disappoint, and neither did her party--although Ramona might have a different opinion! Jon and I had a good time with everyone, and it was refreshing to be at a relatively drama-free event with the ladies. It’s also nice to be back to normal with Luann. Differences make the world go round and although we have a different viewpoint on unattended strangers, I’m glad we can move past it.
I’m so happy that Radz was able to candidly share such a personal experience, because she doesn’t often open up about it, and I know it’s cleansing, too. I’m also really happy that Carole was able to spend this one on one time with Dorinda. This is the caring and loving side of Dorinda that I built a friendship with, and it really shines through. Both women showed such strength during this trip, and in telling their stories that came with such a range of emotions. The layers of our lives can tell a very different story when they are peeled back and exposed, and I feel a lot of love and am very proud of both of them.

I shared with you a few weeks ago my involvement with the charity called No Barriers. As an ambassador for No Barriers, they have helped me more deeply understand and discover the strength within to overcome the challenges faced on any level -- the challenges we all inevitably face, no matter what they are. I've learned that our barriers have layers, and can not only be complicated, but also misunderstood. But, with the right support along the way, at NB we call it our rope team, anyone can learn to understand, break down their barriers and discover: What's Within You Is Stronger Than What's In Your Way.
I recently attended and emceed No Barriers University, a part of the 2015 No Barriers Summit event. No Barriers University was composed of innovative thinkers on the forefront of assistive technologies. These internationally recognized innovators and inventors shared their discoveries, innovations and passions through incredibly inspiring panel discussions.
During this event, I also had the opportunity to hike Bald Mountain and summited at 12,000ft! This was the perfect high altitude training hike as I get ready for Breckenridge and the 14neers! We hiked with 50+ from the No Barriers community including veterans, children with disabilities and the famous blind adventurer and one of No Barriers founders, Erik Weinhenmayer. This experience truly embraced the No Barriers practice of healing through nature and community. Being the mom of a child with challenges, and watching people with disabilities climb this mountain, helped reinforce in me that we should never take our health for granted.
Next Stop Colorado! For more on my journey with No Barriers and training check out the first of my two-part blog series on Well+Good! And #ShopForACause again this week – now through Friday (7/31) a portion of the proceeds from my yummie active collection on yummielife.com will be benefitting No Barriers.
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