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Teresa is Out of My Life

Jacqueline is relieved to finally put Season 4 and her feud with Teresa to rest.

By Jacqueline Laurita

I am answering some of your questions one last time and then Season 4 topics will no longer be open for discussion. I need peace in my life and this nonsense just drains me. I'm doing this blog for you because some of you still have questions for me, and I think that it is fair for me to answer them, even though I have already moved on from this.

Go back and read my last Bravo Blog The Grudge and pay close attention to No. 4 and No. 7.

1. I knew that at one time, Kim was upset with Melissa, but Kim had told me that she called Melissa and smoothed things out with her and all was resolved. 

2. Kim D. text me at the fashion show to tell me not to go anywhere because something was going down, but I wasn't the target. (I still didn't know what was going on.) I didn't even know Kim was in on it. I just thought she knew something about something.
3. Kim D. texted me again to tell me that Kim G. might be showing up to the fashion show, so I started to assume that Caroline may be the target and I texted her to warn her.

4. I got another text from a friend, NOT a producer, who still hangs out with Teresa and shall remain nameless (so they don't get mad at me), that the bald guy was overheard laughing about Melissa getting set up, that Teresa was in on it, and that she filmed with him earlier that day at a salon. These are the only details I was told at this point. When I found this out, the bald guy had already approached the table. I still didn't know what was going on, but this is when I realized Melissa was the target, so I tried to warn everyone, but the guy had already approached the table and Teresa and Melissa had already gone to the bathroom by the time I found this out. 5. I didn't know what happened at the fashion show until Melissa told me outside. That is when it all came together, and I remembered that this is what Teresa wanted me to out Melissa with when she first came on the show.

6. After the fashion show, my mutual friend of Teresa's told me that Teresa told her two weeks before the fashion show that Melissa was getting set up.

7. Teresa never warned Melissa of anything, even after she filmed at the salon earlier that day. Instead, she waited and asked Melissa about it on camera later that night at the fashion show.

8. I was upset and disgusted that Teresa tried to put it on me, when I had absolutely no motive for wanting to hurt Melissa and she knew that.  I like Melissa very much, and I would never be involved in a plan to hurt her. I was trying to get through the rest of filming without any more drama. That's why I chose not to fight any more in California and shut down even after I heard Teresa talking behind my back. Teresa knew I had nothing at all to do with Melissa's set up but that she and Kim D. both did. That is why Teresa was never upset with Kim about it and still continues a friendship with her.

9. I have proof that Teresa knew about the set up, but I cannot legally share it, so I can no longer reference it. Teresa is aware of this.

10. The bald guy was caught on camera saying that Kim and Teresa BOTH knew. As SOON as I knew, I went to warn everyone. (Even though it had already happened by the time I found out.) Teresa never even tried to warn anybody at any time.11. Why am I not mad at Kim? I was disappointed, she knows how I feel, but Kim and Melissa's issues have nothing to do with me. Melissa isn't my family member and Kim didn't try to publicly put it on me when she knew I had nothing to do with it (unlike Teresa). I appreciated Kim's text to let me know that I wasn't the target and that she was honest with me when I asked her questions about the set up after the fashion show. I also respect the fact that although Kim did something crappy, she took responsibility for it. (All of it.)

12. I shouldn't have got so involved with Teresa's family drama at the reunion, but it was frustrating knowing the truth, and I thought it was about time that Teresa was called out and that she owned up to at least one thing she has done and/or said. She didn't! This kind of B.S. had been going on for over 10 HOURS as well as all season long, and I was tired and aggravated at this point. I'm not proud of losing my cool but it was way over due and I needed to release. It was a long, grueling day. Everybody has their breaking point, and you witnessed mine.

13. I think my husband and I have shown who we are as people and what kind of relationship we have, so I don't need to sell myself or our relationship. Bottom line is that we are truly happy and proud of one another.

I have not written a blog in the last few weeks, because I feel that I pretty much said everything that I wanted to say, to Teresa, at the reunion, and in my blogs ALL season long. Those feelings of animosity toward Teresa are really not healthy for me. The season is over and so is my friendship with Teresa, and I'm at peace and thankful that I don't have to relive either one of those again. I've let it go now.It is unfortunate that the situation between Teresa and I has become so ugly. It didn't need to go this far. It makes me a little sad knowing that this is the same girl that I used to know and love. I'm not sure if she changed or if this is who she always was and I had just been ignoring the signs.

Regardless, I am not going to encourage this feud to go any further, because that would be completely pointless and useless in my life. I have much greater things to focus on. The bottom line is that Teresa and I are no longer friends and she is completely out of my life. Whoever Teresa has become, where she's been, where she is going, or who she is going there with is not a concern of mine.

How to Watch

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I know I said during the reunion that I wished Joe Giudice would go to jail, but regardless of if I think he deserves it or not, I will not wish anything bad for Teresa or Joe. They have 4 beautiful girls, and if anything unfortunate happens to either one of them, it effects those girls, and as a mother I do not want that.

Whatever Teresa has to say about me, and what others choose to believe or not believe, will NOT change my reality AT ALL, or hers, or anyone else's.  I know who I am and what I have. This is where I am extremely confident.  I have an extremely strong support system in my life. We are in a very good place. We are in a very happy place with our marriage, our kids, our new businesses, our relationships with other friends and with the majority of our family members. That is not to say that we don't have challenges and setbacks like everyone else once in a while, but the overall quality of life we have is very, very good and very REAL. Today and going forward, Chris and I want to keep focusing on our family and our many new exciting business ventures. We also want to help as many families as we can by spreading autism awareness and sharing what we've learned with others. We need to use this platform to make a difference and do good things. We appreciate all that has been given to us and we don't take that for granted. My team and I are working on some exciting new things for me and JL Beauty Enterprises!

I will be a contributing editor, starting in February, for Parenting Magazine discussing our journey with Autism. I hope you will follow our story. Look for updates on my website www.JacquelineLaurita.com.

I hope next season is a little more upbeat and not as dark. I'm ready for a change. I hope you are too. I feel better already. Thank you all so much for those that have supported me and my family. I appreciate you reaching out to us to uplift our spirits, giving us advice, tips, resources, relating to us, and giving us hope for the recovery of our son. You are good people. We appreciate you very much! We hope we can do the same for you. Many blessings to all of you! XOXO,


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