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Is Bitch Better?

Teresa talks about her "screaming cat," her fashion show throwdown with Danielle, and more.

By Teresa Giudice


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Hi Honey!
I don’t wanna call you honey, bitch. Is that better? Is bitch better? How was that for a cliffhanger? I was traveling on my book tour – LOVE you Miami!!! – and I didn’t get to see this episode early, so I watched it live like you guys. And I have to say, my blood pressure was going up a little bit. It was tense!

Let’s start with nice first. It was so weird to see Caroline as a little sister, wasn’t it? I’m so used to her being everyone’s big sister. It made me so sad to hear her say that her kids were just five-years-old and she turned around and now they’re all grown up. I feel that way already and my kids are still little! I can’t believe Audriana is already crawling!

Isn’t it sad to see someone as strong as Caroline cry? I feel bad for her. I am not looking forward to an empty nest.

Yes, I do call the camel toe a "screaming cat." I don’t know why. One of Joe’s cousins told me it was called that, and I thought it was funny, and somehow not as gross-sounding as camel toe.

Ashley is a beautiful girl and she did a great job on the runway. I see in Danielle’s non-blog that she’s apologizing to Ashley. Really? Now? Now that you see what a raging lunatic you are to pick on a teenager? And which part are you apologizing for? Calling her a bad model or a coke whore? Ridiculous!


So I guess I gotta go there. Again, please understand, none of us want to talk about Danielle. I find no pleasure in thinking about her for one second of my life, let alone writing about her. But we all agreed to be on a show together and part of that means we have to interact. Blogging our thoughts and opinions after the show is part of the deal. How many weeks is she just going to put up fake, bland BS on her blog? It’s so boring and lame. Maybe she really does want to get kicked off. There’s a Facebook poll out there, Danielle. Maybe you should sign it.

We all know she is full of crap because she was on Andy Cohen live last week talking trash about all of us, vemon dripping off her fangs onto her new bubbies, AFTER she wrote that she’s going to be all "love and light." Right…

I was sick to my stomach watching Danielle with her children. Jillian calls probably just looking for her mama, and Danielle tells her, "Mommy has a little situation here." Who talks like that to their baby girl? Why scare her? I’m sooo sad for those kids. Keep your crazy to yourself Danielle.

I have issue with Danielle saying she doesn’t know that I’m a nice person. She does know because we were friends once upon a time. Like Jacqueline, I gave her a HUGE chance last year. I even invited her, her kids, and her boyfriend to spend the weekend with me and my family at the beach! That’s not nice? I was sincerely trying to say hi to her at the fashion show. It was so childish and weird just staring at each other all night. I wanted to break up the tension. Who knew, right?

If anyone instigated anything, it was Danielle. She said she knew Kim D. wasn’t her friend anymore. Her daughter wasn’t walking in the fashion show. So why did she come? Why go somewhere to support someone you say don’t like if you weren’t trying to start trouble? And bringing a freakin’ bodyguard? Yeah, that went so well for you at the Brownstone. She was obviously there to make a big statement, show up late, talk on the phone, and then stomp around with her tiny, and actually very sweet, bodyguard.


And Paris Hilton, really? Really Danielle? Paris taught you to pretend you’re talking on the phone? I don’t think so. The only thing you have in common with Paris Hilton is a sex tape.

There were some really funny lines in the episode this week. Kim D.: "There won’t be any craziness. It’s a country club." Ashley: "I’m just going to ignore her." And the best of all, Danielle: "I’m not going to be running from anyone." Famous last words ... bitch!

I can’t wait until July 12th. Then you all get to see what really happened! For the record, Jacqueline and I were modeling those fur wraps as a favor to Kim D. They’re from Posche. I didn’t buy it. But I will say that when you see the next episode, just remember, the chinchilla made me do it. I think I was possessed by that damn coat!

So great meeting all of you this week! I love, love, love you all! Keep sending me your Skinny Italian stories and pictures. You can buy the book on the Bravo Shop. For my jewelry, clothing and appearance info, as well as the newest news – I’m coming out with a make-up line with my amazing artist Daniel Cerone very soon called TG Fabulicious! – visit me at or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at @Teresa_Giudice.

Tanti Baci,

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